KTH framework for Nek5000 toolboxes; testing version  0.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
8 !=======================================================================
12  subroutine stat_register()
13  implicit none
15  include 'SIZE'
16  include 'INPUT'
17  include 'FRAMELP'
18  include 'STATD'
20  ! local variables
21  integer lpmid, il
22  real ltim
23  character*2 str
25  ! functions
26  real dnekclock
27 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
28  ! timing
29  ltim = dnekclock()
31  ! check if the current module was already registered
32  call mntr_mod_is_name_reg(lpmid,stat_name)
33  if (lpmid.gt.0) then
34  call mntr_warn(lpmid,
35  $ 'module ['//trim(stat_name)//'] already registered')
36  return
37  endif
39  ! find parent module
40  call mntr_mod_is_name_reg(lpmid,'FRAME')
41  if (lpmid.le.0) then
42  lpmid = 1
43  call mntr_abort(lpmid,
44  $ 'parent module ['//'FRAME'//'] not registered')
45  endif
47  ! register module
48  call mntr_mod_reg(stat_id,lpmid,stat_name,
49  $ '2D and 3D statistics')
51  ! check if 2D mapping module is registered
52  if (stat_rdim.eq.1) then
53  call mntr_mod_is_name_reg(lpmid,'MAP2D')
54  ! if not, register module
55  if (lpmid.le.0) then
56  call map2d_register()
57  endif
58  endif
60  ! register timers
61  call mntr_tmr_is_name_reg(lpmid,'FRM_TOT')
62  ! total time
63  call mntr_tmr_reg(stat_tmr_tot_id,lpmid,stat_id,
64  $ 'STAT_TOT','Statistics total time',.false.)
65  lpmid = stat_tmr_tot_id
66  ! initialisation
67  call mntr_tmr_reg(stat_tmr_ini_id,lpmid,stat_id,
68  $ 'STAT_INI','Statistics initialisation time',.true.)
69  ! averagign
70  call mntr_tmr_reg(stat_tmr_avg_id,lpmid,stat_id,
71  $ 'STAT_AVG','Statistics averaging time',.true.)
73  if (stat_rdim.eq.1) then
74  ! communication
75  call mntr_tmr_reg(stat_tmr_cmm_id,lpmid,stat_id,
76  $ 'STAT_CMM','Statistics communication time',.true.)
77  endif
78  ! IO
79  call mntr_tmr_reg(stat_tmr_io_id,lpmid,stat_id,
80  $ 'STAT_IO','Statistics IO time',.true.)
82  ! register and set active section
83  call rprm_sec_reg(stat_sec_id,stat_id,'_'//adjustl(stat_name),
84  $ 'Runtime paramere section for statistics module')
85  call rprm_sec_set_act(.true.,stat_sec_id)
87  ! register parameters
88  call rprm_rp_reg(stat_avstep_id,stat_sec_id,'AVSTEP',
89  $ 'Frequency of averaging',rpar_int,10,0.0,.false.,' ')
91  call rprm_rp_reg(stat_skstep_id,stat_sec_id,'SKSTEP',
92  $ 'Skipped initial steps',rpar_int,10,0.0,.false.,' ')
94  call rprm_rp_reg(stat_iostep_id,stat_sec_id,'IOSTEP',
95  $ 'Frequency of filed saving',rpar_int,100,0.0,.false.,' ')
97  ! set initialisation flag
98  stat_ifinit=.false.
100  ! timing
101  ltim = dnekclock() - ltim
102  call mntr_tmr_add(stat_tmr_tot_id,1,ltim)
104  return
105  end subroutine
106 !=======================================================================
110  subroutine stat_init()
111  implicit none
113  include 'SIZE'
114  include 'FRAMELP'
115  include 'TSTEP'
116  include 'MAP2D'
117  include 'STATD'
119  ! local variables
120  integer itmp, il
121  real rtmp, ltim
122  logical ltmp
123  character*20 ctmp
125  ! functions
126  real dnekclock
127 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
128  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'Initialisation started')
130  ! check if the module was already initialised
131  if (stat_ifinit) then
132  call mntr_warn(stat_id,
133  $ 'module ['//trim(stat_name)//'] already initiaised.')
134  return
135  endif
137  ! check if map2d module is initialised
138  if (stat_rdim.eq.1) then
139  if (.not.map2d_ifinit) call map2d_init()
140  endif
141  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'Map 2D finalised')
143  ! timing
144  ltim = dnekclock()
146  ! get runtime parameters
147  call rprm_rp_get(itmp,rtmp,ltmp,ctmp,stat_avstep_id,rpar_int)
148  stat_avstep = itmp
149  call rprm_rp_get(itmp,rtmp,ltmp,ctmp,stat_skstep_id,rpar_int)
150  stat_skstep = itmp
151  call rprm_rp_get(itmp,rtmp,ltmp,ctmp,stat_iostep_id,rpar_int)
152  stat_iostep = itmp
154  ! initialise time averaging variables for a given statistics file
155  stat_atime = 0.0
156  stat_tstart = time
158  if (stat_rdim.eq.1) then
159  ! finish 3D => 2D mapping operations
160  ! get local integration coefficients
161  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_vrb,'Getting loacal int. coeff.')
162  call stat_init_int1d
163  endif
164  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'1D local finalised')
166  ! reset statistics variables
167  itmp = lx1**(ldim-stat_rdim)*lelt*stat_lvar
168  call rzero(stat_ruavg,itmp)
170  ! everything is initialised
171  stat_ifinit=.true.
173  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'Initialisation finalised')
175  ! timing
176  ltim = dnekclock() - ltim
177  call mntr_tmr_add(stat_tmr_ini_id,1,ltim)
179  return
180  end subroutine
181 !=======================================================================
185  subroutine stat_end()
186  implicit none
188  include 'SIZE'
189  include 'FRAMELP'
190  include 'STATD'
192  ! local variables
193  real ltim
195  ! functions
196  real dnekclock
197 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
198  ! make sure all data in the buffer is saved
199  if (stat_atime.gt.0.0) then
200  if (stat_rdim.eq.1) then
201  ltim = dnekclock()
202  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'Global sum')
203  call stat_gs_sum
204  ltim = dnekclock() - ltim
205  call mntr_tmr_add(stat_tmr_cmm_id,1,ltim)
206  endif
208  ltim = dnekclock()
209  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'Writing stat file')
210  call stat_mfo
211  ltim = dnekclock() - ltim
212  call mntr_tmr_add(stat_tmr_io_id,1,ltim)
213  endif
215  return
216  end subroutine
217 !=======================================================================
221  logical function stat_is_initialised()
222  implicit none
224  include 'SIZE'
225  include 'STATD'
226 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
227  stat_is_initialised = stat_ifinit
229  return
230  end function
231 !=======================================================================
236  subroutine stat_avg
237  implicit none
239  include 'SIZE'
240  include 'FRAMELP'
241  include 'TSTEP'
242  include 'STATD'
244  ! local variables
245  integer itmp
247  ! simple timing
248  real ltim
250  ! functions
251  real dnekclock
252 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
253  ! skip initial steps
254  if (istep.gt.stat_skstep) then
255  itmp = istep - stat_skstep
257  ! average
258  if (mod(itmp,stat_avstep).eq.0) then
259  ! simple timing
260  ltim = dnekclock()
261  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'Average compute')
262  call stat_compute
263  ! timing
264  ltim = dnekclock() - ltim
265  call mntr_tmr_add(stat_tmr_avg_id,1,ltim)
266  endif
268  ! save statistics file and restart statistics variables
269  if (mod(itmp,stat_iostep).eq.0) then
270  if (stat_rdim.eq.1) then
272  ltim = dnekclock()
273  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'Global sum')
274  call stat_gs_sum
275  ltim = dnekclock() - ltim
276  call mntr_tmr_add(stat_tmr_cmm_id,1,ltim)
277  endif
279  ltim = dnekclock()
280  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_inf,'Writing stat file')
281  call stat_mfo
282  ltim = dnekclock() - ltim
283  call mntr_tmr_add(stat_tmr_io_id,1,ltim)
286  ! clean up array
287  itmp = lx1**(ldim-stat_rdim)*lelt*stat_lvar
288  call rzero(stat_ruavg,itmp)
290  ! reset averaging parameters
291  stat_atime = 0.0
292  stat_tstart = time
293  endif
294  else
295  ! set averaging parameters
296  stat_atime = 0.0
297  stat_tstart = time
298  endif
300  return
301  end subroutine
302 !======================================================================
309  subroutine stat_init_int1d()
310  implicit none
312  include 'SIZE'
313  include 'FRAMELP'
314  include 'WZ' ! W?M1
315  include 'GEOM' ! ?M1
316  include 'INPUT' ! IFAXIS, IF3D
317  include 'DXYZ' ! D?M1, D?TM1
318  include 'MAP2D'
319  include 'STATD'
321  ! global variables
322  integer mid,mp,nekcomm,nekgroup,nekreal
323  common /nekmpi/ mid,mp,nekcomm,nekgroup,nekreal
324  ! scratch space
325  real lxyzd(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt,3)
326  common /scrsf/ lxyzd ! coordinate derivatives
328  ! local variables
329  integer il, jl, kl, el ! loop index
330  integer el2 ! index of 2D element
331  real lwm1(lx1) ! wieghts for 1D integration
333  ! global communication
334  integer gs_handle ! gather-scatter handle
335  integer*8 unodes(lx1*lz1*lelt) ! unique local nodes
336 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
337  if(ifaxis) call mntr_abort(stat_id,
338  $ 'stat_init_int1D; IFAXIS not supported')
340  ! copy wieghts depending on the uniform direction
341  if (map2d_idir.eq.1) then
342  call copy(lwm1,wxm1,nx1)
343  stat_nm1 = nx1
344  stat_nm2 = ny1
345  stat_nm3 = nz1
346  ! get coordinates derivatives d[XYZ]/dr
347  il = ny1*nz1
348  do el = 1, nelt
349  if(map2d_lmap(el).ne.-1) then
350  call mxm(dxm1,nx1,xm1(1,1,1,el),nx1,lxyzd(1,1,1,el,1),il)
351  call mxm(dxm1,nx1,ym1(1,1,1,el),nx1,lxyzd(1,1,1,el,2),il)
352  if (if3d) call mxm(dxm1,nx1,zm1(1,1,1,el),nx1,
353  $ lxyzd(1,1,1,el,3),il)
354  endif
355  enddo
356  elseif (map2d_idir.eq.2) then
357  call copy(lwm1,wym1,ny1)
358  stat_nm1 = ny1
359  stat_nm2 = nx1
360  stat_nm3 = nz1
361  ! get coordinates derivatives d[XYZ]/ds
362  do el = 1, nelt
363  if(map2d_lmap(el).ne.-1) then
364  do il=1, nz1
365  call mxm(xm1(1,1,il,el),nx1,dytm1,ny1,
366  $ lxyzd(1,1,il,el,1),ny1)
367  call mxm(ym1(1,1,il,el),nx1,dytm1,ny1,
368  $ lxyzd(1,1,il,el,2),ny1)
369  if (if3d) call mxm(zm1(1,1,il,el),nx1,dytm1,ny1,
370  $ lxyzd(1,1,il,el,3),ny1)
371  enddo
372  endif
373  enddo
374  else
375  if (if3d) then
376  call copy(lwm1,wzm1,nz1)
377  stat_nm1 = nz1
378  stat_nm2 = nx1
379  stat_nm3 = ny1
380  ! get coordinates derivatives d[XYZ]/dt
381  il = nx1*ny1
382  do el = 1, nelt
383  if(map2d_lmap(el).ne.-1) then
384  call mxm(xm1(1,1,1,el),il,dztm1,nz1,
385  $ lxyzd(1,1,1,el,1),nz1)
386  call mxm(ym1(1,1,1,el),il,dztm1,nz1,
387  $ lxyzd(1,1,1,el,2),nz1)
388  call mxm(zm1(1,1,1,el),il,dztm1,nz1,
389  $ lxyzd(1,1,1,el,3),nz1)
390  endif
391  enddo
392  else
393  call mntr_abort(stat_id,'2D run cannot be z averaged.')
394  endif
395  endif
397  ! for now I assume lx1=stat_nm1=stat_nm2=stat_nm3
398  ! check if that is true
399  if (if3d) then
400  if(lx1.ne.stat_nm1.or.lx1.ne.stat_nm2.or.lx1.ne.stat_nm3) then
401  call mntr_abort(stat_id,
402  $ 'stat_init_int1D; unequal array sizes')
403  endif
404  else
405  if(lx1.ne.stat_nm1.or.lx1.ne.stat_nm2.or.1.ne.stat_nm3) then
406  call mntr_abort(stat_id,
407  $ 'stat_init_int1D; unequal array sizes')
408  endif
409  endif
411  ! get 1D mass matrix ordering directions in such a way that
412  ! the uniform direction corresponds to the the first index
413  il = stat_nm1*stat_nm2*stat_nm3
414  ! get arc length
415  do el = 1, nelt
416  if(map2d_lmap(el).ne.-1) then
417  call vsq(lxyzd(1,1,1,el,1),il)
418  call vsq(lxyzd(1,1,1,el,2),il)
419  if (if3d) call vsq(lxyzd(1,1,1,el,3),il)
421  call add2(lxyzd(1,1,1,el,1),lxyzd(1,1,1,el,2),il)
422  if (if3d) call add2(lxyzd(1,1,1,el,1),lxyzd(1,1,1,el,3),il)
424  call vsqrt(lxyzd(1,1,1,el,1),il)
425  endif
426  enddo
428  il=il*nelt
429  call rzero(stat_bm1d,il)
431  ! reshuffle array
432  call stat_reshufflev(stat_bm1d,lxyzd,nelt)
434  ! multiply by wieghts
435  do el=1, nelt
436  if(map2d_lmap(el).ne.-1) then
437  do kl=1, stat_nm3
438  do jl=1, stat_nm2
439  do il=1, stat_nm1
440  stat_bm1d(il,jl,kl,el) =
441  $ lwm1(il)*stat_bm1d(il,jl,kl,el)
442  enddo
443  enddo
444  enddo
445  endif
446  enddo
448  ! get total line length
449  ! sum contributions from different 3D elements to get
450  ! local arc length
452  il = stat_nm2*stat_nm3*nelt
453  call rzero(stat_abm1d,il)
455  do el = 1, nelv
456  el2 = map2d_lmap(el)
457  if(el2.gt.0) then
458  do kl=1, stat_nm3
459  do jl=1, stat_nm2
460  do il=1, stat_nm1
461  stat_abm1d(jl,kl,el2) = stat_abm1d(jl,kl,el2) +
462  $ stat_bm1d(il,jl,kl,el)
463  enddo
464  enddo
465  enddo
466  endif
467  enddo
469  ! Global communication to sum local contributions for arc lenght
470  ! set up communicator
471  el = stat_nm2*stat_nm3
472  do il = 1,map2d_lnum
473  kl = map2d_gmap(il) - 1
474  do jl=1,el
475  unodes(el*(il-1) + jl) = int(el,8)*int(kl,8) + jl
476  enddo
477  enddo
478  kl = el*map2d_lnum
479  call fgslib_gs_setup(gs_handle,unodes,kl,nekcomm,mp)
481  call fgslib_gs_op(gs_handle,stat_abm1d,1,1,0)
483  ! destroy communicator
484  call fgslib_gs_free (gs_handle)
486  return
487  end subroutine
488 !=======================================================================
496  subroutine stat_reshufflev(rvar, var, nl)
497  implicit none
499  include 'SIZE'
500  include 'MAP2D'
501  include 'STATD'
503  ! argument list
504  real rvar(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt) !reshuffled array
505  real var(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt) ! input array
506  integer nl ! element number to reshuffle
508  ! local variables
509  integer il, jl, kl, el ! loop index
510 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
511  ! if no space averaging copy
512  if (stat_rdim.eq.0) then
513  el = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
514  call copy(rvar,var,el)
515  else
516  ! if space averagign swap data
517  if (map2d_idir.eq.1) then
518  do el=1, nl
519  if(map2d_lmap(el).ne.-1) then
520  do kl=1, stat_nm3
521  do jl=1, stat_nm2
522  do il=1, stat_nm1
523  rvar(il,jl,kl,el) = var(il,jl,kl,el)
524  enddo
525  enddo
526  enddo
527  endif
528  enddo
529  elseif (map2d_idir.eq.2) then
530  do el=1, nl
531  if(map2d_lmap(el).ne.-1) then
532  do kl=1, stat_nm3
533  do jl=1, stat_nm2
534  do il=1, stat_nm1
535  rvar(il,jl,kl,el) = var(jl,il,kl,el)
536  enddo
537  enddo
538  enddo
539  endif
540  enddo
541  else
542  do el=1, nl
543  if(map2d_lmap(el).ne.-1) then
544  do kl=1, stat_nm3
545  do jl=1, stat_nm2
546  do il=1, stat_nm1
547  rvar(il,jl,kl,el) = var(jl,kl,il,el)
548  enddo
549  enddo
550  enddo
551  endif
552  enddo
553  endif
554  endif
556  return
557  end subroutine
558 !=======================================================================
565  subroutine stat_compute_1dav1(lvar,npos,alpha,beta)
566  implicit none
568  include 'SIZE'
569  include 'FRAMELP'
570  include 'STATD'
572  ! argument list
573  real lvar(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt)
574  integer npos
575  real alpha, beta
577  ! global variables
578  real rtmp(lx1,lz1,lelt) ! dummy array
579  common /ctmp0/ rtmp
581  ! local variables
582  integer il, jl, kl, el ! loop index
583 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
584  ! consistency check
585  if(npos.gt.stat_lvar)
586  $ call mntr_abort(stat_id,'inconsistent npos ')
588  if (stat_rdim.eq.1) then
589  ! zero work array
590  el = lx1*lz1*lelt
591  call rzero(rtmp,el)
593  ! perform 1D integral
594  do el = 1, nelv
595  do kl=1, stat_nm3
596  do jl=1, stat_nm2
597  do il=1, stat_nm1
598  rtmp(jl,kl,el) = rtmp(jl,kl,el) +
599  $ stat_bm1d(il,jl,kl,el)*lvar(il,jl,kl,el)
600  enddo
601  enddo
602  enddo
603  enddo
605  ! time average
606  el = stat_nm2*stat_nm3*nelv
607  call add2sxy(stat_ruavg(1,1,npos),alpha,rtmp,beta,el)
608  else
609  el = lx1**(ldim)*lelt
610  call add2sxy(stat_ruavg(1,1,npos),alpha,lvar,beta,el)
611  endif
613  return
614  end subroutine
615 !=======================================================================
622  subroutine stat_compute_1dav2(lvar1,lvar2,npos,alpha,beta)
623  implicit none
625  include 'SIZE'
626  include 'FRAMELP'
627  include 'STATD'
629  ! argument list
630  real lvar1(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt), lvar2(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt)
631  integer npos
632  real alpha, beta
634  ! global variables
635  real rtmp(lx1,lz1,lelt) ! dummy array
636  real rtmp2(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt) ! dummy array
637  common /ctmp0/ rtmp, rtmp2
639  ! local variables
640  integer il, jl, kl, el ! loop index
641 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
642  ! consistency check
643  if(npos.gt.stat_lvar)
644  $ call mntr_abort(stat_id,'inconsistent npos ')
646  if (stat_rdim.eq.1) then
647  ! zero work array
648  el = lx1*lz1*lelt
649  call rzero(rtmp,el)
651  ! perform 1D integral
652  do el = 1, nelv
653  do kl=1, stat_nm3
654  do jl=1, stat_nm2
655  do il=1, stat_nm1
656  rtmp(jl,kl,el) = rtmp(jl,kl,el) +
657  $ stat_bm1d(il,jl,kl,el)*
658  $ lvar1(il,jl,kl,el)*lvar2(il,jl,kl,el)
659  enddo
660  enddo
661  enddo
662  enddo
664  ! time average
665  el = stat_nm2*stat_nm3*nelv
666  call add2sxy(stat_ruavg(1,1,npos),alpha,rtmp,beta,el)
667  else
668  el = lx1**(ldim)*lelt
669  call col3(rtmp2,lvar1,lvar2,el)
670  call add2sxy(stat_ruavg(1,1,npos),alpha,rtmp2,beta,el)
671  endif
673  return
674  end subroutine
675 !=======================================================================
678  subroutine stat_gs_sum
679  implicit none
681  include 'SIZE'
682  include 'FRAMELP'
683  include 'PARALLEL'
684  include 'INPUT' ! if3d
685  include 'MAP2D'
686  include 'STATD'
688  ! global variables
689  integer mid,mp,nekcomm,nekgroup,nekreal
690  common /nekmpi/ mid,mp,nekcomm,nekgroup,nekreal
692  ! local variables
693  integer gs_handle ! gather-scatter handle
694  integer*8 unodes(lx1*lz1*lelt) ! unique local nodes
695  integer il, jl, el ! loop index
696  integer el2 ! index of 2D element
697  integer itmp1, itmp2
698  real rtmp_ruavg(lx1*lz1,lelt) ! tmp array for local 2D element aggragation
699 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
700  ! if no space averaging return
701  if (stat_rdim.eq.0) return
703  ! stamp logs
704  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_vrb,'Global statistics summation.')
706  ! perform local summation of 2D contributions; not required for 3D version
707  do il = 1, stat_lvar
708  el = lx1*lz1*lelt
709  call rzero(rtmp_ruavg,el)
710  do el=1,nelv
711  el2 = map2d_lmap(el)
712  if(el2.gt.0) then
713  do jl = 1,stat_nm2*stat_nm3
714  rtmp_ruavg(jl,el2) = rtmp_ruavg(jl,el2) +
715  $ stat_ruavg(jl,el,il)
716  enddo
717  endif
718  enddo
719  ! copy data back
720  el = stat_nm2*stat_nm3*map2d_lnum
721  call copy(stat_ruavg(1,1,il),rtmp_ruavg,el)
722  enddo
724  ! set up communicator
725  itmp1 = stat_nm2*stat_nm3
726  do il = 1, map2d_lnum
727  itmp2 = map2d_gmap(il) - 1
728  do jl=1,itmp1
729  unodes(itmp1*(il-1) + jl) = int(itmp1,8)*int(itmp2,8) + jl
730  enddo
731  enddo
732  itmp2 = itmp1*map2d_lnum
733  call fgslib_gs_setup(gs_handle,unodes,itmp2,nekcomm,mp)
735  ! sum variables
736  do il=1,stat_lvar
737  call fgslib_gs_op(gs_handle,stat_ruavg(1,1,il),1,1,0)
738  enddo
740  ! destroy communicator
741  call fgslib_gs_free (gs_handle)
743  ! divide data by arc length
744  if (if3d) then
745  itmp1=stat_nm2*stat_nm3
746  do il=1, map2d_lnum
747  if (map2d_own(il).eq.nid) then
748  do jl=1, stat_lvar
749  call invcol2(stat_ruavg(1,il,jl),
750  $ stat_abm1d(1,1,il),itmp1)
751  enddo
752  endif
753  enddo
754  endif
756  return
757  end subroutine
758 !=======================================================================
762  subroutine stat_compute()
763  implicit none
765  include 'SIZE'
766  include 'FRAMELP'
767  include 'SOLN'
768  include 'TSTEP'
769  include 'STATD' ! Variables from the statistics
770  include 'INPUT' ! if3d
772  ! global variables
773  ! work arrays
774  real slvel(LX1,LY1,LZ1,LELT,3), slp(LX1,LY1,LZ1,LELT)
775  common /scrmg/ slvel, slp
776  real tmpvel(LX1,LY1,LZ1,LELT,3), tmppr(LX1,LY1,LZ1,LELT)
777  common /scruz/ tmpvel, tmppr
778  real dudx(LX1,LY1,LZ1,LELT,3) ! du/dx, du/dy and du/dz
779  real dvdx(LX1,LY1,LZ1,LELT,3) ! dv/dx, dv/dy and dv/dz
780  real dwdx(LX1,LY1,LZ1,LELT,3) ! dw/dx, dw/dy and dw/dz
781  common /scrns/ dudx, dvdx
782  common /scrsf/ dwdx
784  ! local variables
785  integer npos ! position in STAT_RUAVG
786  real alpha, beta,dtime ! time averaging parameters
787  integer lnvar ! count number of variables
788  integer i ! loop index
789  integer itmp ! dummy variable
790  real rtmp ! dummy variable
791  integer ntot
793 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
794  ! stamp logs
795  call mntr_log(stat_id,lp_vrb,'Average fields.')
797  ! Calculate time span of current statistical sample
798  dtime=time-stat_atime-stat_tstart
800  ! Update total time over which the current stat file is averaged
801  stat_atime=time-stat_tstart
803  ! Time average is compuated as:
804  ! Accumulated=alpha*Accumulated+beta*New
805  ! Calculate alpha and beta
806  beta=dtime/stat_atime
807  alpha=1.0-beta
809  ! Map pressure to velocity mesh
810  call mappr(tmppr,pr,tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3))
812  ! Compute derivative tensor and normalise pressure
813  call user_stat_trnsv(tmpvel,dudx,dvdx,dwdx,slvel,tmppr)
815  ! reset varaible counter
816  lnvar = 0
818  ! reshuffle arrays
819  ! velocity
820  call stat_reshufflev(slvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),nelv)
821  call stat_reshufflev(slvel(1,1,1,1,2),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),nelv)
822  if (if3d) call stat_reshufflev(slvel(1,1,1,1,3),
823  $ tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),nelv)
825  ! pressure
826  call stat_reshufflev(slp,tmppr,nelv)
828  ! reshuffle velocity derivatives
829  ! VX
830  call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dudx(1,1,1,1,1),nelv)
831  call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),dudx(1,1,1,1,2),nelv)
832  if (if3d) call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),
833  $ dudx(1,1,1,1,3),nelv)
834  ! copy
835  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
836  call copy(dudx,tmpvel,itmp)
838  ! VY
839  call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dvdx(1,1,1,1,1),nelv)
840  call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),dvdx(1,1,1,1,2),nelv)
841  if (if3d) call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),
842  $ dvdx(1,1,1,1,3),nelv)
843  ! copy
844  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
845  call copy(dvdx,tmpvel,itmp)
847  ! VZ
848  if (if3d) then
849  call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dwdx(1,1,1,1,1),nelv)
850  call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),dwdx(1,1,1,1,2),nelv)
851  call stat_reshufflev(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),dwdx(1,1,1,1,3),nelv)
852  ! copy
853  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
854  call copy(dwdx,tmpvel,itmp)
855  endif
857 !=======================================================================
858  ! Computation of statistics
860  ! <u>t
861  lnvar = lnvar + 1
862  npos = lnvar
863  call stat_compute_1dav1(slvel(1,1,1,1,1),npos,alpha,beta)
865  ! <v>t
866  lnvar = lnvar + 1
867  npos = lnvar
868  call stat_compute_1dav1(slvel(1,1,1,1,2),npos,alpha,beta)
870  ! <w>t
871  lnvar = lnvar + 1
872  npos = lnvar
873  call stat_compute_1dav1(slvel(1,1,1,1,3),npos,alpha,beta)
875  ! <p>t
876  lnvar = lnvar + 1
877  npos = lnvar
878  call stat_compute_1dav1(slp(1,1,1,1),npos,alpha,beta)
880 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
881  ! <uu>t
882  lnvar = lnvar + 1
883  npos = lnvar
884  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,1),
885  $ npos,alpha,beta)
887  ! <vv>t
888  lnvar = lnvar + 1
889  npos = lnvar
890  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,2),slvel(1,1,1,1,2),
891  $ npos,alpha,beta)
893  ! <ww>t
894  lnvar = lnvar + 1
895  npos = lnvar
896  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,3),slvel(1,1,1,1,3),
897  $ npos,alpha,beta)
899  ! <pp>t
900  lnvar = lnvar + 1
901  npos = lnvar
902  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),slp(1,1,1,1),
903  $ npos,alpha,beta)
905 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
906  ! <uv>t
907  lnvar = lnvar + 1
908  npos = lnvar
909  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,2),
910  $ npos,alpha,beta)
912  ! <vw>t
913  lnvar = lnvar + 1
914  npos = lnvar
915  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,2),slvel(1,1,1,1,3),
916  $ npos,alpha,beta)
918  ! <uw>t
919  lnvar = lnvar + 1
920  npos = lnvar
921  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,3),
922  $ npos,alpha,beta)
924 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
925  ! <pu>t
926  lnvar = lnvar + 1
927  npos = lnvar
928  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,1),
929  $ npos,alpha,beta)
931  ! <pv>t
932  lnvar = lnvar + 1
933  npos = lnvar
934  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,2),
935  $ npos,alpha,beta)
937  ! <pw>t
938  lnvar = lnvar + 1
939  npos = lnvar
940  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,3),
941  $ npos,alpha,beta)
943 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
944  ! <pdudx>t
945  lnvar = lnvar + 1
946  npos = lnvar
947  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dudx(1,1,1,1,1),
948  $ npos,alpha,beta)
950  ! <pdudy>t
951  lnvar = lnvar + 1
952  npos = lnvar
953  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dudx(1,1,1,1,2),
954  $ npos,alpha,beta)
956  ! <pdudz>t
957  lnvar = lnvar + 1
958  npos = lnvar
959  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dudx(1,1,1,1,3),
960  $ npos,alpha,beta)
962 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
963  ! <pdvdx>t
964  lnvar = lnvar + 1
965  npos = lnvar
966  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dvdx(1,1,1,1,1),
967  $ npos,alpha,beta)
969  ! <pdvdy>t
970  lnvar = lnvar + 1
971  npos = lnvar
972  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dvdx(1,1,1,1,2),
973  $ npos,alpha,beta)
975  ! <pdvdz>t
976  lnvar = lnvar + 1
977  npos = lnvar
978  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dvdx(1,1,1,1,3),
979  $ npos,alpha,beta)
981 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
982  ! <pdwdx>t
983  lnvar = lnvar + 1
984  npos = lnvar
985  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dwdx(1,1,1,1,1),
986  $ npos,alpha,beta)
988  ! <pdwdy>t
989  lnvar = lnvar + 1
990  npos = lnvar
991  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dwdx(1,1,1,1,2),
992  $ npos,alpha,beta)
994  ! <pdwdz>t
995  lnvar = lnvar + 1
996  npos = lnvar
997  call stat_compute_1dav2(slp(1,1,1,1),dwdx(1,1,1,1,3),
998  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1000 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1001  ! UU, VV, WW
1002  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
1003  call col3(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,1),
1004  $ itmp)
1006  ! <uuu>t
1007  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1008  npos = lnvar
1009  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),
1010  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1012  ! <vvv>t
1013  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1014  npos = lnvar
1015  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,2),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),
1016  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1018  ! <www>t
1019  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1020  npos = lnvar
1021  call stat_compute_1dav2(slvel(1,1,1,1,3),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),
1022  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1024 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1025  ! <uuv>t
1026  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1027  npos = lnvar
1028  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,2),
1029  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1031  ! <uuw>t
1032  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1033  npos = lnvar
1034  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,3),
1035  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1037  ! <vvu>t
1038  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1039  npos = lnvar
1040  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),slvel(1,1,1,1,1),
1041  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1043  ! <vvw>t
1044  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1045  npos = lnvar
1046  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),slvel(1,1,1,1,3),
1047  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1049 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1050  ! <wwu>t
1051  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1052  npos = lnvar
1053  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),slvel(1,1,1,1,1),
1054  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1056  ! <wwv>t
1057  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1058  npos = lnvar
1059  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),slvel(1,1,1,1,2),
1060  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1062 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1063  ! <ppp>t
1064  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1065  npos = lnvar
1066  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
1067  call col3(tmppr(1,1,1,1),slp(1,1,1,1),slp(1,1,1,1),
1068  $ itmp)
1069  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmppr(1,1,1,1),slp(1,1,1,1),
1070  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1072 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1073  ! <pppp>t
1074  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1075  npos = lnvar
1076  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmppr(1,1,1,1),tmppr(1,1,1,1),
1077  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1079 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1080  ! <uvw>t
1081  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1082  npos = lnvar
1083  ! copy uv to tmppr (do not need pp anymore)
1084  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
1085  call col3(tmppr(1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,2),
1086  $ itmp)
1087  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmppr(1,1,1,1),slvel(1,1,1,1,3),
1088  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1090 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1091  ! <uuuu>t
1092  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1093  npos = lnvar
1094  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),
1095  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1097  ! <vvvv>t
1098  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1099  npos = lnvar
1100  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),
1101  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1103  ! <wwww>t
1104  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1105  npos = lnvar
1106  call stat_compute_1dav2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),
1107  $ npos,alpha,beta)
1109 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1110  ! <e11>t : (du/dx)^2 + (du/dy)^2 + (du/dz)^2
1111  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
1112  call col3(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dudx(1,1,1,1,1),dudx(1,1,1,1,1),
1113  $ itmp)
1114  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
1115  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),itmp)
1116  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),itmp)
1117  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1118  npos = lnvar
1119  call stat_compute_1dav1(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),npos,alpha,beta)
1121  ! <e22>t: (dv/dx)^2 + (dv/dy)^2 + (dv/dz)^2
1122  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
1123  call col3(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dvdx(1,1,1,1,1),dvdx(1,1,1,1,1),
1124  $ itmp)
1125  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
1126  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),itmp)
1127  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),itmp)
1128  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1129  npos = lnvar
1130  call stat_compute_1dav1(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),npos,alpha,beta)
1132  ! <e33>t: (dw/dx)^2 + (dw/dy)^2 + (dw/dz)^2
1133  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
1134  call col3(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dwdx(1,1,1,1,1),dwdx(1,1,1,1,1),
1135  $ itmp)
1136  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
1137  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),itmp)
1138  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),itmp)
1139  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1140  npos = lnvar
1141  call stat_compute_1dav1(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),npos,alpha,beta)
1143 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1144  ! <e12>t: (du/dx)*(dv/dx) + (du/dy)*(dv/dy) + (du/dz)*(dv/dz)
1145  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
1146  call col3(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dudx(1,1,1,1,1),dvdx(1,1,1,1,1),
1147  $ itmp)
1148  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
1149  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),itmp)
1150  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),itmp)
1151  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1152  npos = lnvar
1153  call stat_compute_1dav1(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),npos,alpha,beta)
1155  ! <e13>t: (du/dx)*(dw/dx) + (du/dy)*(dw/dy) + (du/dz)*(dw/dz)
1156  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
1157  call col3(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dudx(1,1,1,1,1),dwdx(1,1,1,1,1),
1158  $ itmp)
1159  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
1160  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),itmp)
1161  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),itmp)
1162  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1163  npos = lnvar
1164  call stat_compute_1dav1(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),npos,alpha,beta)
1166  ! <e23>t: (dv/dx)*(dw/dx) + (dv/dy)*(dw/dy) + (dv/dz)*(dw/dz)
1167  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt*ldim
1168  call col3(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),dvdx(1,1,1,1,1),dwdx(1,1,1,1,1),
1169  $ itmp)
1170  itmp = lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt
1171  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,2),itmp)
1172  call add2(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),tmpvel(1,1,1,1,3),itmp)
1173  lnvar = lnvar + 1
1174  npos = lnvar
1175  call stat_compute_1dav1(tmpvel(1,1,1,1,1),npos,alpha,beta)
1177 !=======================================================================
1178  !End of local compute
1180  ! save number of variables
1181  stat_nvar = lnvar
1183  return
1184  end subroutine
1185 !=======================================================================
subroutine map2d_register()
Register 2D mapping routines.
Definition: map2D.f:13
subroutine map2d_init()
Initilise map2d module.
Definition: map2D.f:70
subroutine mntr_tmr_is_name_reg(mid, mname)
Check if timer name is registered and return its id.
Definition: mntrtmr.f:146
subroutine mntr_warn(mid, logs)
Write warning message.
Definition: mntrlog.f:803
subroutine mntr_tmr_add(mid, icount, time)
Check if timer id is registered. This operation is performed locally.
Definition: mntrtmr.f:237
subroutine mntr_mod_is_name_reg(mid, mname)
Check if module name is registered and return its id.
Definition: mntrlog.f:459
subroutine mntr_abort(mid, logs)
Abort simulation.
Definition: mntrlog.f:837
subroutine mntr_log(mid, priority, logs)
Write log message.
Definition: mntrlog.f:600
subroutine mntr_mod_reg(mid, pmid, mname, mdscr)
Register new module.
Definition: mntrlog.f:346
subroutine mntr_tmr_reg(mid, pmid, modid, mname, mdscr, ifsum)
Register new timer.
Definition: mntrtmr.f:16
subroutine rprm_rp_get(ipval, rpval, lpval, cpval, rpid, ptype)
Get runtime parameter form active section. This operation is performed locally.
Definition: rprm.f:883
subroutine rprm_rp_reg(rpid, mid, pname, pdscr, ptype, ipval, rpval, lpval, cpval)
Register new runtime parameter.
Definition: rprm.f:484
subroutine rprm_sec_set_act(ifact, rpid)
Set section's activation flag. Master value is broadcasted.
Definition: rprm.f:422
subroutine rprm_sec_reg(rpid, mid, pname, pdscr)
Register new parameter section.
Definition: rprm.f:165
subroutine stat_avg
Main interface of statistics module.
Definition: stat.f:237
subroutine stat_gs_sum
Global statistics summation.
Definition: stat.f:679
subroutine stat_init()
Initilise statistics module.
Definition: stat.f:111
subroutine stat_register()
Register 2D and 3D statistics module.
Definition: stat.f:13
logical function stat_is_initialised()
Check if module was initialised.
Definition: stat.f:222
subroutine stat_compute_1dav2(lvar1, lvar2, npos, alpha, beta)
Perform local 1D integration on multiplication of 2 variables.
Definition: stat.f:623
subroutine stat_mfo()
Main interface for saving statistics.
Definition: stat_IO.f:13
subroutine stat_compute()
Compute statistics.
Definition: stat.f:763
subroutine stat_init_int1d()
Get local integration coefficients.
Definition: stat.f:310
subroutine stat_reshufflev(rvar, var, nl)
Array reshuffle.
Definition: stat.f:497
subroutine stat_end()
Finalise statistics module.
Definition: stat.f:186
subroutine stat_compute_1dav1(lvar, npos, alpha, beta)
Perform local 1D integration on 1 variable.
Definition: stat.f:566
subroutine col3(a, b, c, n)
Definition: math.f:598
subroutine invcol2(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:73
subroutine add2(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:622
subroutine copy(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:260
subroutine add2sxy(x, a, y, b, n)
Definition: math.f:1574
subroutine vsqrt(A, N)
Definition: math.f:41
subroutine vsq(A, N)
Definition: math.f:31
subroutine rzero(a, n)
Definition: math.f:208
subroutine mxm(a, n1, b, n2, c, n3)
Definition: mxm_wrapper.f:2
subroutine mappr(pm1, pm2, pa, pb)
Definition: navier5.f:237