KTH framework for Nek5000 toolboxes; testing version  0.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2  subroutine set_outfld
4 c Check if we are going to checkpoint at this timestep
5 c and set ifoutfld accordingly
7  include 'SIZE'
8  include 'TOTAL'
9  include 'CTIMER'
11  common /rdump/ ntdump
13  ifoutfld = .false.
15  if (iostep.le.0 .and. timeio.le.0) return
17 c if (istep.ge.nsteps) lastep=1
19  if (iostep.gt.0) then
20  if(mod(istep,iostep).eq.0) ifoutfld=.true.
21  else if (timeioe.ne.0.0) then
22  if (dnekclock_sync()-etimes .ge. (ntdump + 1)*timeio) then
23  ntdump=ntdump+1
24  ifoutfld=.true.
25  endif
26  else if (timeio.ne.0.0) then
27  if (time.ge.(ntdump + 1)*timeio) then
28  ntdump=ntdump+1
29  ifoutfld=.true.
30  endif
31  endif
33  if (ioinfodmp.ne.0 .or. lastep.eq.1) ifoutfld=.true.
35  return
36  end
37 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
38  subroutine check_ioinfo
40 c Check for io request in file 'ioinfo'
42  include 'SIZE'
43  include 'TSTEP'
44  include 'INPUT'
46  parameter(lxyz=lx1*ly1*lz1)
47  parameter(lpsc9=ldimt1+9)
48  common /ctmp1/ tdump(lxyz,lpsc9)
49  real*4 tdump
50  real tdmp(4)
51  equivalence(tdump,tdmp)
53  integer maxstep
54  save maxstep
55  data maxstep /999999999/
57  character*132 fname
58  character*1 fname1(132)
59  equivalence(fname,fname1)
61  ioinfodmp=0
62  if (nid.eq.0 .and. (mod(istep,10).eq.0 .or. istep.lt.200)) then
63  call blank(fname1,size(fname1))
64  len = ltrunc(path,132)
65  call chcopy(fname1,path,len)
66  call chcopy(fname1(len+1),'ioinfo',6)
67  open(unit=87,file=fname,status='old',err=88)
68  read(87,*,end=87,err=87) idummy
69  if (ioinfodmp.eq.0) ioinfodmp=idummy
70  if (idummy.ne.0) then ! overwrite last i/o request
71  rewind(87)
72  write(87,86)
73  86 format(' 0')
74  endif
75  87 continue
76  close(unit=87)
77  88 continue
78  if (ioinfodmp.ne.0) write(6,*) 'Output:',ioinfodmp
79  endif
81  tdmp(1)=ioinfodmp
82  call gop(tdmp,tdmp(3),'+ ',1)
83  ioinfodmp=tdmp(1)
84  if (ioinfodmp.lt.0) maxstep=abs(ioinfodmp)
85  if (istep.ge.maxstep.or.ioinfodmp.eq.-2) lastep=1
87  return
88  end
89 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
90  subroutine prepost(ifdoin,prefin)
92 c Store results for later postprocessing
93 c
94 c Recent updates:
95 c
96 c p65 now indicates the number of parallel i/o files; iff p66 >= 6
97 c
98 c we now check whether we are going to checkpoint in set_outfld
99 c
100  include 'SIZE'
101  include 'TOTAL'
102  include 'CTIMER'
104  common /scrcg/ pm1(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelv)
106  character*3 prefin,prefix
108  logical ifdoin
110  if (ioinfodmp.eq.-2) return
112 #ifdef TIMER
113  etime1=dnekclock_sync()
114 #endif
116  prefix = prefin
117  if (prefix.eq.'his') prefix = ' '
119  if (ifdoin) then
120  icalld=icalld+1
121  nprep=icalld
123  call prepost_map(0) ! map pr and axisymm. arrays
124  call outfld(prefix)
125  call prepost_map(1) ! map back axisymm. arrays
127 #ifdef TIMER
128  tprep=tprep+dnekclock_sync()-etime1
129 #endif
130  endif
132  return
133  end
134 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
135  subroutine prepost_map(isave) ! isave=0-->fwd, isave=1-->bkwd
137 c Store results for later postprocessing
139  include 'SIZE'
140  include 'TOTAL'
141 C
142 C Work arrays and temporary arrays
143 C
144  common /scruz/ vxax(lx1,ly1,lelv)
145  $ , vyax(lx1,ly1,lelv)
146  $ , prax(lx2,ly2,lelv)
147  $ , yax(lx1,ly1,lelt)
148  common /scrmg/ tax(lx1,ly1,lelt,ldimt)
149  common /scrcg/ pm1(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelv)
150 C
151 c
152  common /prepst/ pa(lx1,ly2,lz2),pb(lx1,ly1,lz2)
153  integer e
155  if (isave.eq.0) then ! map to GLL grid
157  if (ifaxis) then
158  ntotm1 = lx1*ly1*nelt
159  call copy (yax,ym1,ntotm1)
160  do 5 e=1,nelt
161  if (ifrzer(e)) then
162  call mxm (ym1(1,1,1,e),lx1,iatjl1,ly1,pb,ly1)
163  call copy (ym1(1,1,1,e),pb,lx1*ly1)
164  endif
165  5 continue
166  if (ifflow) then
167  ntotm1 = lx1*ly1*nelt
168  ntotm2 = lx2*ly2*nelt
169  call copy (vxax,vx,ntotm1)
170  call copy (vyax,vy,ntotm1)
171  call copy (prax,pr,ntotm2)
172  do 10 e=1,nelt
173  if (ifrzer(e)) then
174  call mxm (vx(1,1,1,e),lx1,iatjl1,ly1,pb,ly1)
175  call copy (vx(1,1,1,e),pb,lx1*ly1)
176  call mxm (vy(1,1,1,e),lx1,iatjl1,ly1,pb,ly1)
177  call copy (vy(1,1,1,e),pb,lx1*ly1)
178  call mxm (pr(1,1,1,e),lx2,iatjl2,ly2,pb,ly2)
179  call copy (pr(1,1,1,e),pb,lx2*ly2)
180  endif
181  10 continue
182  endif
183  if (ifheat) then
184  ntotm1 = lx1*ly1*nelt
185  do 15 ifldt=1,npscal+1
186  call copy (tax(1,1,1,ifldt),t(1,1,1,1,ifldt),ntotm1)
187  15 continue
188  do 30 e=1,nelt
189  if (ifrzer(e)) then
190  do 25 ifldt=1,npscal+1
191  call mxm (t(1,1,1,e,ifldt),lx1,iatjl1,ly1,
192  $ pb,ly1)
193  call copy (t(1,1,1,e,ifldt),pb,lx1*ly1)
194  25 continue
195  endif
196  30 continue
197  endif
198  endif
199 C Map the pressure onto the velocity mesh
200 C
201  ntott = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelt
202  ntot1 = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelt
203  nyz2 = ly2*lz2
204  nxy1 = lx1*ly1
205  nxyz = lx1*ly1*lz1
206  nxyz2 = lx2*ly2*lz2
207 C
209  call rzero(pm1,ntott)
210  if (ifsplit) then
211  call copy(pm1,pr,ntot1)
212  elseif (if_full_pres) then
213  call rzero(pm1,ntot1)
214  do e=1,nelt
215  call copy(pm1(1,1,1,e),pr(1,1,1,e),nxyz2)
216  enddo
217  else
218  do 1000 e=1,nelt
219  call mxm (ixm21,lx1,pr(1,1,1,e),lx2,pa(1,1,1),nyz2)
220  do 100 iz=1,lz2
221  call mxm (pa(1,1,iz),lx1,iytm21,ly2,pb(1,1,iz),ly1)
222  100 continue
223  call mxm (pb(1,1,1),nxy1,iztm21,lz2,pm1(1,1,1,e),lz1)
224  1000 continue
225  endif
227  else ! map back
229  if (ifaxis) then
230  ntot1 = lx1*ly1*nelt
231  call copy (ym1,yax,ntot1)
232  if (ifflow) then
233  ntot1 = lx1*ly1*nelt
234  ntot2 = lx2*ly2*nelt
235  call copy (vx,vxax,ntot1)
236  call copy (vy,vyax,ntot1)
237  call copy (pr,prax,ntot2)
238  endif
239  if (ifheat) then
240  ntot1 = lx1*ly1*nelt
241  do 3000 ifldt=1,npscal+1
242  call copy (t(1,1,1,1,ifldt),tax(1,1,1,ifldt),ntot1)
243  3000 continue
244  endif
245  endif
247  endif
248  return
249  end
250 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
251  subroutine outfld(prefix)
253 c output .fld file
255  include 'SIZE'
256  include 'TOTAL'
257  include 'RESTART'
258 C
259 C Work arrays and temporary arrays
260 C
261  common /scrcg/ pm1(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelv)
262 c
263 c note, this usage of CTMP1 will be less than elsewhere if NELT ~> 3.
264  parameter(lxyz=lx1*ly1*lz1)
265  parameter(lpsc9=ldimt1+9)
266  common /ctmp1/ tdump(lxyz,lpsc9)
267  real*4 tdump
268  real tdmp(4)
269  equivalence(tdump,tdmp)
271  real*4 test_pattern
273  character*3 prefix
274  character*1 fhdfle1(132)
275  character*132 fhdfle
276  equivalence(fhdfle,fhdfle1)
278  character*1 excode(30)
279  character*10 frmat
281  common /nopenf/ nopen(99)
283  common /rdump/ ntdump
284  data ndumps / 0 /
286  logical ifxyo_s
288  if(nio.eq.0) then
289  WRITE(6,1001) istep,time
290  1001 FORMAT(/,i9,1pe12.4,' Write checkpoint')
291  endif
292  call nekgsync()
294  p66 = param(66)
295  if (abs(p66).eq.6) then
296  call mfo_outfld(prefix)
297  return
298  endif
300  ifxyo_s = ifxyo ! Save ifxyo
302  iprefix = i_find_prefix(prefix,99)
304  ierr = 0
305  if (nid.eq.0) then
307 c Open new file for each dump on /cfs
308  nopen(iprefix)=nopen(iprefix)+1
310  if (prefix.eq.' '.and.nopen(iprefix).eq.1) ifxyo = .true. ! 1st file
312  if (prefix.eq.'rst'.and.max_rst.gt.0)
313  $ nopen(iprefix) = mod1(nopen(iprefix),max_rst) ! restart
315  call file2(nopen(iprefix),prefix)
316  if (p66.lt.1.0) then
317  open(unit=24,file=fldfle,form='formatted',status='unknown')
318  else
319  call byte_open (fldfle,ierr)
320 c write header as character string
321  call blank(fhdfle,132)
322  endif
323  endif
324  call bcast(ifxyo,lsize)
325  if(p66.ge.1.0)
326  $ call err_chk(ierr,'Error opening file in outfld. Abort. $')
328 C Figure out what goes in EXCODE
329  CALL blank(excode,30)
330  ndumps=ndumps+1
331  i=1
332  if (mod(p66,1.0).eq.0.0) then !old header format
333  IF(ifxyo) then
334  excode(1)='X'
335  excode(2)=' '
336  excode(3)='Y'
337  excode(4)=' '
338  i = 5
339  IF(if3d) THEN
340  excode(i) ='Z'
341  excode(i+1)=' '
342  i = i + 2
343  ENDIF
344  ENDIF
345  IF(ifvo) then
346  excode(i) ='U'
347  excode(i+1)=' '
348  i = i + 2
349  ENDIF
350  IF(ifpo) THEN
351  excode(i)='P'
352  excode(i+1)=' '
353  i = i + 2
354  ENDIF
355  IF(ifto) THEN
356  excode(i)='T '
357  excode(i+1)=' '
358  i = i + 1
359  ENDIF
360  do iip=1,ldimt1
361  if (ifpsco(iip)) then
362  write(excode(iip+i) ,'(i1)') iip
363  write(excode(iip+i+1),'(a1)') ' '
364  i = i + 1
365  endif
366  enddo
367  else
368  !new header format
369  IF (ifxyo) THEN
370  excode(i)='X'
371  i = i + 1
372  ENDIF
373  IF (ifvo) THEN
374  excode(i)='U'
375  i = i + 1
376  ENDIF
377  IF (ifpo) THEN
378  excode(i)='P'
379  i = i + 1
380  ENDIF
381  IF (ifto) THEN
382  excode(i)='T'
383  i = i + 1
384  ENDIF
385  IF (ldimt.GT.1) THEN
386  npscalo = 0
387  do k = 1,ldimt-1
388  if(ifpsco(k)) npscalo = npscalo + 1
389  enddo
390  IF (npscalo.GT.0) THEN
391  excode(i) = 'S'
392  WRITE(excode(i+1),'(I1)') npscalo/10
393  WRITE(excode(i+2),'(I1)') npscalo-(npscalo/10)*10
394  ENDIF
395  ENDIF
396  endif
399 C Dump header
400  ierr = 0
401  if (nid.eq.0) call dump_header(excode,p66,ierr)
402  call err_chk(ierr,'Error dumping header in outfld. Abort. $')
404  call get_id(id)
406  nxyz = lx1*ly1*lz1
408  ierr = 0
409  do ieg=1,nelgt
411  jnid = gllnid(ieg)
412  ie = gllel(ieg)
414  if (nid.eq.0) then
415  if (jnid.eq.0) then
416  call fill_tmp(tdump,id,ie)
417  else
418  mtype=2000+ie
419  len=4*id*nxyz
420  dum1=0.
421  call csend (mtype,dum1,wdsize,jnid,nullpid)
422  call crecv2 (mtype,tdump,len,jnid)
423  endif
424  if(ierr.eq.0) call out_tmp(id,p66,ierr)
425  elseif (nid.eq.jnid) then
426  call fill_tmp(tdump,id,ie)
427  dum1=0.
428  mtype=2000+ie
429  len=4*id*nxyz
430  call crecv2 (mtype,dum1,wdsize,node0)
431  call csend (mtype,tdump,len,node0,nullpid)
432  endif
433  enddo
434  call err_chk(ierr,'Error writing file in outfld. Abort. $')
436  ifxyo = ifxyo_s ! restore ifxyo
438  if (nid.eq.0) call close_fld(p66,ierr)
439  call err_chk(ierr,'Error closing file in outfld. Abort. $')
441  return
442  end
443 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
444  subroutine file2(nopen,PREFIX)
445 C----------------------------------------------------------------------
446 C
447 C Defines machine specific input and output file names.
448 C
449 C----------------------------------------------------------------------
450  include 'SIZE'
451  include 'INPUT'
452  include 'TSTEP'
453  include 'PARALLEL'
454 C
456  CHARACTER*1 SESS1(132),PATH1(132),NAM1(132)
457  equivalence(session,sess1)
458  equivalence(path,path1)
459  equivalence(name,nam1)
460  CHARACTER*1 DMP(4),FLD(4),REA(4),HIS(4),SCH(4) ,ORE(4), NRE(4)
462  equivalence(dmp,dmp4), (fld,fld4), (rea,rea4), (his,his4)
463  $ , (sch,sch4), (ore,ore4), (nre,nre4)
465  DATA dmp4,fld4,rea4 /'.dmp','.fld','.rea'/
466  DATA his4,sch4 /'.his','.sch'/
467  DATA ore4,nre4 /'.ore','.nre'/
468  DATA numrl /'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'/
470 c
471  character*1 prefix(3)
472 C
473  call blank(name ,132)
474  call blank(fldfle,132)
475 C
476  ls=ltrunc(session,132)
477  lpp=ltrunc(path,132)
478  lsp=ls+lpp
479  l = 0
481 c Construct file names containing full path to host:
482 c DO 100 I=1,LPP
483 c l = l+1
484 c NAM1(l)=PATH1(I)
485 c 100 CONTINUE
486 C
487  if (prefix(1).ne.' '.and.prefix(2).ne.' '.and.
488  $ prefix(3).ne.' ') then
489  do i=1,3
490  l = l+1
491  nam1(l)=prefix(i)
492  enddo
493  endif
494 C
495  DO 200 i=1,ls
496  l = l+1
497  nam1(l)=sess1(i)
498  200 CONTINUE
499 C
500 C .fld file
501  DO 300 i=1,4
502  l = l+1
503  nam1(l)=fld(i)
504  300 CONTINUE
505  if (nopen.lt.100) then
506 C less than 100 dumps....
507  iten=nopen/10
508  l = l+1
509  nam1(l)=numrl(iten)
510  ione=mod(nopen,10)
511  l = l+1
512  nam1(l)=numrl(ione)
513  elseif (nopen.lt.1000) then
514 C less than 1000 dumps....
515  ihun=nopen/100
516  l = l+1
517  nam1(l)=numrl(ihun)
518  iten=mod(nopen,100)/10
519  l = l+1
520  nam1(l)=numrl(iten)
521  ione=mod(nopen,10)
522  l = l+1
523  nam1(l)=numrl(ione)
524  elseif (nopen.lt.10000) then
525 C less than 10000 dumps....
526  itho=nopen/1000
527  l = l+1
528  nam1(l)=numrl(itho)
529  ihun=mod(nopen,1000)/100
530  l = l+1
531  nam1(l)=numrl(ihun)
532  iten=mod(nopen,100)/10
533  l = l+1
534  nam1(l)=numrl(iten)
535  ione=mod(nopen,10)
536  l = l+1
537  nam1(l)=numrl(ione)
538  endif
539  fldfle=name
540 C
541 C Write the name of the .fld file to the logfile.
542 C
543  if (nio.eq.0) then
544  call chcopy(string,fldfle,78)
545  write(6,1000) istep,time,string
546  1000 format(/,i9,1pe12.4,' OPEN: ',a78)
547  endif
549  return
550  end
551 c=======================================================================
552  subroutine rzero4(a,n)
553  real*4 a(1)
554  DO 100 i = 1, n
555  100 a(i ) = 0.0
556  return
557  end
558 c=======================================================================
559  subroutine copyx4(a,b,n)
560  real*4 a(1)
561  REAL B(1)
562  DO 100 i = 1, n
563  100 a(i) = b(i)
564  return
565  end
566 c=======================================================================
567  subroutine copy4r(a,b,n)
568  real a(1)
569  real*4 b(1)
570  do i = 1, n
571  a(i) = b(i)
572  enddo
573  return
574  end
575 c=======================================================================
576  function i_find_prefix(prefix,imax)
577 c
578  character*3 prefix
579  character*3 prefixes(99)
580  save prefixes
581  data prefixes /99*'...'/
582 c
583  integer nprefix
584  save nprefix
585  data nprefix /0/
586 c
587 c Scan existing list of prefixes for a match to "prefix"
588 c
589  do i=1,nprefix
590  if (prefix.eq.prefixes(i)) then
591  i_find_prefix = i
592  return
593  endif
594  enddo
595 c
596 c If we're here, we didn't find a match.. bump list and return
597 c
598  nprefix = nprefix + 1
599  prefixes(nprefix) = prefix
600  i_find_prefix = nprefix
601 c
602 c Array bounds check on prefix list
603 c
604  if (nprefix.gt.99.or.nprefix.gt.imax) then
605  write(6,*) 'Hey! nprefix too big! ABORT in i_find_prefix'
606  $ ,nprefix,imax
607  call exitt
608  endif
609 c
610  return
611  end
612 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
613  subroutine dump_header(excodein,p66,ierr)
615  include 'SIZE'
616  include 'TOTAL'
618  character*30 excodein
620  character*30 excode
621  character*1 excode1(30)
622  equivalence(excode,excode1)
624  real*4 test_pattern
626  character*1 fhdfle1(132)
627  character*132 fhdfle
628  equivalence(fhdfle,fhdfle1)
630  write(excode,'(A30)') excodein
632  ikstep = istep
633  do ik=1,10
634  if (ikstep.gt.9999) ikstep = ikstep/10
635  enddo
637  call blank(fhdfle,132)
639 c write(6,111) ! print on screen
640 c $ nelgt,lx1,ly1,lz1,time,istep,excode
641 c
642  if (mod(p66,1.0).eq.0.0) then ! old header format
643  if (p66.lt.1.0) then !ASCII
644  if(nelgt.lt.10000) then
645  WRITE(24,'(4i4,1pe14.7,I5,1X,30A1,1X,A12)')
646  $ nelgt,lx1,ly1,lz1,time,ikstep,(excode1(i),i=1,30),
647  $ 'NELT,NX,NY,N'
648  else
649  WRITE(24,'(i10,3i4,1pe18.9,I9,1X,30A1,1X,A12)')
650  $ nelgt,lx1,ly1,lz1,time,ikstep,(excode1(i),i=1,30),
651  $ 'NELT,NX,NY,N'
652  endif
653  else !Binary
654  if (nelgt.lt.10000) then
655  WRITE(fhdfle,'(4I4,1pe14.7,I5,1X,30A1,1X,A12)')
656  $ nelgt,lx1,ly1,lz1,time,ikstep,(excode1(i),i=1,30),
657  $ ' 4 NELT,NX,NY,N'
658  else
659  write(fhdfle,'(i10,3i4,1P1e18.9,i9,1x,30a1)')
660  $ nelgt,lx1,ly1,lz1,time,istep,(excode1(i),i=1,30)
661  endif
662  call byte_write(fhdfle,20,ierr)
663  endif
664  else ! new header format
665  if (p66.eq.0.1) then
666  write(24,111)
667  $ nelgt,lx1,ly1,lz1,time,istep,excode
668  else
669  write(fhdfle,111)
670  $ nelgt,lx1,ly1,lz1,time,istep,excode
671  call byte_write(fhdfle,20,ierr)
672  endif
673  111 FORMAT(i10,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,1p1e18.9,1x,i9,1x,a)
674  endif
676  if(ierr.ne.0) return
678  cdrror=0.0
679  if (p66.LT.1.0) then ! formatted i/o
680  WRITE(24,'(6G11.4)')(cdrror,i=1,nelgt) ! dummy
681  else
682 C write byte-ordering test pattern to byte file...
683  test_pattern = 6.54321
684  call byte_write(test_pattern,1,ierr)
685  endif
687  return
688  end
689 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
690  subroutine fill_tmp(tdump,id,ie)
691 C
692  include 'SIZE'
693  include 'TOTAL'
694 c
695  common /scrcg/ pm1(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelv)
696 C
697 C Fill work array
698 C
699  parameter(lxyz=lx1*ly1*lz1)
700  parameter(lpsc9=ldimt1+9)
701  real*4 tdump(lxyz,lpsc9)
702 C
703  nxyz = lx1*ly1*lz1
704 c
705  id=0
706  IF(ifxyo)then
707  id=id+1
708  CALL copyx4(tdump(1,id),xm1(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
709  id=id+1
710  CALL copyx4(tdump(1,id),ym1(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
711  IF(if3d) then
712  id=id+1
713  CALL copyx4(tdump(1,id),zm1(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
714  ENDIF
715  ENDIF
716 c
717  IF(ifvo)then
718  IF (ie.LE.nelt) then
719  id=id+1
720  CALL copyx4(tdump(1,id),vx(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
721  id=id+1
722  CALL copyx4(tdump(1,id),vy(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
723  IF(if3d)then
724  id=id+1
725  CALL copyx4(tdump(1,id),vz(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
726  ENDIF
727  ELSE
728  id=id+1
729  CALL rzero4(tdump(1,id),nxyz)
730  id=id+1
731  CALL rzero4(tdump(1,id),nxyz)
732  IF(if3d)then
733  id=id+1
734  CALL rzero4(tdump(1,id),nxyz)
735  ENDIF
736  ENDIF
737  ENDIF
738  IF(ifpo)then
739  IF (ie.LE.nelt) then
740  id=id+1
741  CALL copyx4(tdump(1,id),pm1(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
742  ELSE
743  id=id+1
744  CALL rzero4(tdump(1,id),nxyz)
745  ENDIF
746  ENDIF
747  IF(ifto)then
748  id=id+1
749  CALL copyx4(tdump(1,id),t(1,1,1,ie,1),nxyz)
750  ENDIF
752  do iip=1,ldimt1
753  if (ifpsco(iip)) then
754  id=id+1
755  call copyx4(tdump(1,id),t(1,1,1,ie,iip+1),nxyz)
756  endif
757  enddo
758 c
759  return
760  end
761 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
762  subroutine get_id(id) ! Count amount of data to be shipped
764  include 'SIZE'
765  include 'TOTAL'
767  id=0
769  if (ifxyo) id=id+ldim
770  if (ifvo) id=id+ldim
771  if (ifpo) id=id+1
772  if (ifto) id=id+1
774  do iip=1,ldimt1
775  if (ifpsco(iip)) id=id+1 ! Passive scalars
776  enddo
778  return
779  end
780 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
781  subroutine close_fld(p66,ierr)
783  include 'SIZE'
784  include 'TOTAL'
786  if (nid.eq.0) then
787  if (p66.lt.1) then
788  close(unit=24)
789  else
790  call byte_close(ierr)
791  endif
792  endif
794  return
795  end
796 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
797  subroutine out_tmp(id,p66,ierr)
799  include 'SIZE'
800  include 'TOTAL'
802  parameter(lxyz=lx1*ly1*lz1)
803  parameter(lpsc9=ldimt1+9)
805  common /ctmp1/ tdump(lxyz,lpsc9)
806  real*4 tdump
808  character*11 frmat
810  nxyz = lx1*ly1*lz1
812  call blank(frmat,11)
813  if (id.le.9) then
814  WRITE(frmat,1801) id
815  1801 FORMAT('(1p',i1,'e14.6)')
816  else
817  WRITE(frmat,1802) id
818  1802 FORMAT('(1p',i2,'e14.6)')
819  endif
821  if (p66.lt.1.0) then
822 C formatted i/o
823  WRITE(24,frmat)
824  $ ((tdump(i,ii),ii=1,id),i=1,nxyz)
825  else
826 C C binary i/o
827  do ii=1,id
828  call byte_write(tdump(1,ii),nxyz,ierr)
829  if(ierr.ne.0) goto 101
830  enddo
831  endif
832  101 continue
834  return
835  end
836 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
837  subroutine mfo_outfld(prefix) ! muti-file output
839  include 'SIZE'
840  include 'TOTAL'
841  include 'RESTART'
842  common /scrcg/ pm1(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelv) ! mapped pressure
844  integer*8 offs0,offs,nbyte,stride,strideB,nxyzo8
845  character*3 prefix
846  logical ifxyo_s
848  common /scruz/ ur1(lxo*lxo*lxo*lelt)
849  & , ur2(lxo*lxo*lxo*lelt)
850  & , ur3(lxo*lxo*lxo*lelt)
852  tiostart=dnekclock_sync()
854  call io_init
856  ifxyo_s = ifxyo
857  ifxyo_ = ifxyo
858  nout = nelt
859  nxo = lx1
860  nyo = ly1
861  nzo = lz1
862  if (ifreguo) then ! dump on regular (uniform) mesh
863  if (nrg.gt.lxo) then
864  if (nid.eq.0) write(6,*)
865  & 'WARNING: nrg too large, reset to lxo!'
866  nrg = lxo
867  endif
868  nxo = nrg
869  nyo = nrg
870  nzo = 1
871  if(if3d) nzo = nrg
872  endif
873  offs0 = iheadersize + 4 + isize*nelgt
875  ierr=0
876  if (nid.eq.pid0) then
877  call mfo_open_files(prefix,ierr) ! open files on i/o nodes
878  endif
879  call err_chk(ierr,'Error opening file in mfo_open_files. $')
880  call bcast(ifxyo_,lsize)
881  ifxyo = ifxyo_
882  call mfo_write_hdr ! create element mapping +
884 c call exitti('this is wdsizo A:$',wdsizo)
885  ! write hdr
886  nxyzo8 = nxo*nyo*nzo
887  strideb = nelb * nxyzo8*wdsizo
888  stride = nelgt* nxyzo8*wdsizo
890  ioflds = 0
891  ! dump all fields based on the t-mesh to avoid different
892  ! topologies in the post-processor
893  if (ifxyo) then
894  offs = offs0 + ldim*strideb
895  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
896  if (ifreguo) then
897  call map2reg(ur1,nrg,xm1,nout)
898  call map2reg(ur2,nrg,ym1,nout)
899  if (if3d) call map2reg(ur3,nrg,zm1,nout)
900  call mfo_outv(ur1,ur2,ur3,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
901  else
902  call mfo_outv(xm1,ym1,zm1,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
903  endif
904  ioflds = ioflds + ldim
905  endif
906  if (ifvo ) then
907  offs = offs0 + ioflds*stride + ldim*strideb
908  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
909  if (ifreguo) then
910  call map2reg(ur1,nrg,vx,nout)
911  call map2reg(ur2,nrg,vy,nout)
912  if (if3d) call map2reg(ur3,nrg,vz,nout)
913  call mfo_outv(ur1,ur2,ur3,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
914  else
915  call mfo_outv(vx,vy,vz,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo) ! B-field handled thru outpost
916  endif
917  ioflds = ioflds + ldim
918  endif
919  if (ifpo ) then
920  offs = offs0 + ioflds*stride + strideb
921  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
922  if (ifreguo) then
923  call map2reg(ur1,nrg,pm1,nout)
924  call mfo_outs(ur1,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
925  else
926  call mfo_outs(pm1,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
927  endif
928  ioflds = ioflds + 1
929  endif
930  if (ifto ) then
931  offs = offs0 + ioflds*stride + strideb
932  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
933  if (ifreguo) then
934  call map2reg(ur1,nrg,t,nout)
935  call mfo_outs(ur1,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
936  else
937  call mfo_outs(t,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
938  endif
939  ioflds = ioflds + 1
940  endif
941  do k=1,ldimt-1
942  if(ifpsco(k)) then
943  offs = offs0 + ioflds*stride + strideb
944  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
945  if (ifreguo) then
946  call map2reg(ur1,nrg,t(1,1,1,1,k+1),nout)
947  call mfo_outs(ur1,nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
948  else
949  call mfo_outs(t(1,1,1,1,k+1),nout,nxo,nyo,nzo)
950  endif
951  ioflds = ioflds + 1
952  endif
953  enddo
954  dnbyte = 1.*ioflds*nout*wdsizo*nxo*nyo*nzo
956  if (if3d) then
957  offs0 = offs0 + ioflds*stride
958  strideb = nelb *2*4 ! min/max single precision
959  stride = nelgt*2*4
960  ioflds = 0
961  ! add meta data to the end of the file
962  if (ifxyo) then
963  offs = offs0 + ldim*strideb
964  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
965  call mfo_mdatav(xm1,ym1,zm1,nout)
966  ioflds = ioflds + ldim
967  endif
968  if (ifvo ) then
969  offs = offs0 + ioflds*stride + ldim*strideb
970  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
971  call mfo_mdatav(vx,vy,vz,nout)
972  ioflds = ioflds + ldim
973  endif
974  if (ifpo ) then
975  offs = offs0 + ioflds*stride + strideb
976  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
977  call mfo_mdatas(pm1,nout)
978  ioflds = ioflds + 1
979  endif
980  if (ifto ) then
981  offs = offs0 + ioflds*stride + strideb
982  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
983  call mfo_mdatas(t,nout)
984  ioflds = ioflds + 1
985  endif
986  do k=1,ldimt-1
987  offs = offs0 + ioflds*stride + strideb
988  call byte_set_view(offs,ifh_mbyte)
989  if(ifpsco(k)) call mfo_mdatas(t(1,1,1,1,k+1),nout)
990  ioflds = ioflds + 1
991  enddo
992  dnbyte = dnbyte + 2.*ioflds*nout*wdsizo
993  endif
995  ierr = 0
996  if (nid.eq.pid0) then
997  if(ifmpiio) then
998  call byte_close_mpi(ifh_mbyte,ierr)
999  else
1000  call byte_close(ierr)
1001  endif
1002  endif
1003  call err_chk(ierr,'Error closing file in mfo_outfld. Abort. $')
1005  tio = dnekclock_sync()-tiostart
1006  if (tio.le.0) tio=1.
1008  dnbyte = glsum(dnbyte,1)
1009  dnbyte = dnbyte + iheadersize + 4. + isize*nelgt
1010  dnbyte = dnbyte/1024/1024
1011  if(nio.eq.0) write(6,7) istep,time,dnbyte,dnbyte/tio,
1012  & nfileo
1013  7 format(/,i9,1pe12.4,' done :: Write checkpoint',/,
1014  & 30x,'file size = ',3pg12.2,'MB',/,
1015  & 30x,'avg data-throughput = ',0pf7.1,'MB/s',/,
1016  & 30x,'io-nodes = ',i5,/)
1018  ifxyo = ifxyo_s ! restore old value
1020  return
1021  end
1022 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1023  subroutine io_init ! determine which nodes will output
1024  character*132 hname
1026  include 'SIZE'
1027  include 'INPUT'
1028  include 'PARALLEL'
1029  include 'RESTART'
1031  ifdiro = .false.
1033  ifmpiio = .false.
1034  if(abs(param(65)).eq.1 .and. abs(param(66)).eq.6) ifmpiio=.true.
1035 #ifdef NOMPIIO
1036  ifmpiio = .false.
1037 #endif
1039  wdsizo = 4
1040  if (param(63).gt.0) wdsizo = 8 ! 64-bit .fld file
1041  nrg = lxo
1043  if(ifmpiio) then
1044  nfileo = np
1045  nproc_o = 1
1046  fid0 = 0
1047  pid0 = nid
1048  pid1 = 0
1049  else
1050  if(param(65).lt.0) ifdiro = .true. ! p65 < 0 --> multi subdirectories
1051  nfileo = abs(param(65))
1052  if(nfileo.eq.0) nfileo = 1
1053  if(np.lt.nfileo) nfileo=np
1054  nproc_o = np / nfileo ! # processors pointing to pid0
1055  fid0 = nid/nproc_o ! file id
1056  pid0 = nproc_o*fid0 ! my parent i/o node
1057  pid1 = min(np-1,pid0+nproc_o-1) ! range of sending procs
1058  endif
1060  ! how many elements are present up to rank nid
1061  nn = nelt
1062  nelb = igl_running_sum(nn)
1063  nelb = nelb - nelt
1065  pid00 = glmin(pid0,1)
1067  return
1068  end
1069 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1070  subroutine mfo_open_files(prefix,ierr) ! open files
1072  include 'SIZE'
1073  include 'INPUT'
1074  include 'PARALLEL'
1075  include 'RESTART'
1077  character*1 prefix(3)
1078  character*3 prefx
1080  character*132 fname
1081  character*1 fnam1(132)
1082  equivalence(fnam1,fname)
1084  character*6 six,str
1085  save six
1086  data six / "??????" /
1089  character*1 slash,dot
1090  save slash,dot
1091  data slash,dot / '/' , '.' /
1093  integer nopen(99,2)
1094  save nopen
1095  data nopen / 198*0 /
1097  call blank(fname,132) ! zero out for byte_open()
1099  iprefix = i_find_prefix(prefix,99)
1100  if (ifreguo) then
1101  nopen(iprefix,2) = nopen(iprefix,2)+1
1102  nfld = nopen(iprefix,2)
1103  else
1104  nopen(iprefix,1) = nopen(iprefix,1)+1
1105  nfld = nopen(iprefix,1)
1106  endif
1108  call chcopy(prefx,prefix,3) ! check for full-restart request
1109  if (prefx.eq.'rst'.and.max_rst.gt.0) nfld = mod1(nfld,max_rst)
1111  call restart_nfld( nfld, prefix ) ! Check for Restart option.
1112  if (prefx.eq.' '.and.nfld.eq.1) ifxyo_ = .true. ! 1st file
1114  if(ifmpiio) then
1115  rfileo = 1
1116  else
1117  rfileo = nfileo
1118  endif
1119  ndigit = log10(rfileo) + 1
1121  lenp = ltrunc(path,132)
1122  call chcopy(fnam1(1),path,lenp)
1123  k = 1 + lenp
1125  if (ifdiro) then ! Add directory
1126  call chcopy(fnam1(k),'A',1)
1127  k = k + 1
1128  call chcopy(fnam1(k),six,ndigit) ! put ???? in string
1129  k = k + ndigit
1130  call chcopy(fnam1(k),slash,1)
1131  k = k + 1
1132  endif
1134  if (prefix(1).ne.' '.and.prefix(2).ne.' '.and. ! Add prefix
1135  $ prefix(3).ne.' ') then
1136  call chcopy(fnam1(k),prefix,3)
1137  k = k + 3
1138  endif
1140  len=ltrunc(session,132) ! Add SESSION
1141  call chcopy(fnam1(k),session,len)
1142  k = k+len
1144  if (ifreguo) then
1145  len=4
1146  call chcopy(fnam1(k),'_reg',len)
1147  k = k+len
1148  endif
1150  call chcopy(fnam1(k),six,ndigit) ! Add file-id holder
1151  k = k + ndigit
1153  call chcopy(fnam1(k ),dot,1) ! Add .f appendix
1154  call chcopy(fnam1(k+1),'f',1)
1155  k = k + 2
1157  write(str,4) nfld ! Add nfld number
1158  4 format(i5.5)
1159  call chcopy(fnam1(k),str,5)
1160  k = k + 5
1162  call addfid(fname,fid0)
1164  if(ifmpiio) then
1165  if(nio.eq.0) write(6,*) ' FILE:',fname
1166  call byte_open_mpi(fname,ifh_mbyte,.false.,ierr)
1167  else
1168  if(nid.eq.pid0) write(6,*) ' FILE:',fname
1169  call byte_open(fname,ierr)
1170  endif
1172  return
1173  end
1174 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1176  subroutine restart_nfld( nfld, prefix )
1177  include 'SIZE' ! For nio
1178  character*3 prefix
1179 c
1180 c Check for Restart option and return proper nfld value.
1181 c Also, convenient spot to explain restart strategy.
1182 c
1183 c
1184 c The approach is as follows:
1185 c
1186 c Prefix rs4 would indicate 4 files in the restart cycle.
1187 c
1188 c This would be normal usage for velocity only, with
1189 c checkpoints taking place in synch with standard io.
1190 c
1191 c The resultant restart sequence might look like:
1192 c
1193 c blah.fld09 Step 0
1194 c rs4blah.fld01 1
1195 c rs4blah.fld02 2
1196 c
1197 c which implies that fld09 would be used as the i.c.
1198 c in the restart, rs4blah.fld01 would overwrite the
1199 c solution at Step 1, and rs4blah.fld02 would overwrite
1200 c Step 2. Net result is that Steps 0-2 of the restart
1201 c session have solutions identical to those computed in
1202 c the prior run. (It's important that both runs use
1203 c the same dt in this case.)
1204 c
1205 c
1206 c Another equally possible restart sequence would be:
1207 c
1208 c
1209 c blah.fld10 Step 0
1210 c rs4blah.fld03 1
1211 c rs4blah.fld04 2
1212 c
1213 c Why the 3 & 4 ? If one were to use only 1 & 2, there
1214 c is a risk that the system crashes while writing, say,
1215 c rs4blah.fld01, in which case the restart is compromised --
1216 c very frustrating at the end of a run that has been queued
1217 c for a week. By providing a toggled sequence in pairs such as
1218 c
1219 c (1,2), (3,4), (1,2), ...
1220 c
1221 c ensures that one always has at least one complete restart
1222 c sequence. In the example above, the following files would
1223 c be written, in order:
1224 c
1225 c :
1226 c :
1227 c blah.fld09
1228 c rs4blah.fld01
1229 c rs4blah.fld02
1230 c blah.fld10
1231 c rs4blah.fld03
1232 c rs4blah.fld04
1233 c blah.fld11
1234 c rs4blah.fld01 (overwriting existing rs4blah.fld01)
1235 c rs4blah.fld02 ( " " " .fld02)
1236 c blah.fld12
1237 c rs4blah.fld03 ( etc. )
1238 c rs4blah.fld04
1239 c :
1240 c :
1241 c
1242 c
1243 c Other strategies are possible, according to taste.
1244 c
1245 c Here is a data-intensive one:
1246 c
1247 c MHD + double-precision restart, but single-precision std files
1248 c
1249 c In this case, single-precision files are kept as the running
1250 c file sequence (i.e., for later post-processing) but dbl-prec.
1251 c is required for restart. A total of 12 temporary restart files
1252 c must be saved: (3 for velocity, 3 for B-field) x 2 for redundancy.
1253 c
1254 c This is expressed, using hexadecimal notation (123456789abc...),
1255 c as prefix='rsc'.
1256 c
1257 c
1258  character*16 kst
1259  save kst
1260  data kst / '0123456789abcdef' /
1261  character*1 ks1(0:15),kin
1262  equivalence(ks1,kst)
1264 c
1265 c
1266  if (indx1(prefix,'rs',2).eq.1) then
1267  read(prefix,3) kin
1268  3 format(2x,a1)
1269  do kfld=1,15
1270  if (ks1(kfld).eq.kin) goto 10
1271  enddo
1272  10 if (kfld.eq.16) kfld=4 ! std. default
1273  nfln = mod1(nfld,kfld) ! Restart A (1,2) and B (3,4)
1274  if (nio.eq.0) write(6,*) nfln,nfld,kfld,' kfld'
1275  nfld = nfln
1276  endif
1278  return
1279  end
1280 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1281  subroutine full_restart_save(iosave)
1283  integer iosave,save_size,nfld_save
1284  logical if_full_pres_tmp
1286  include 'SIZE'
1287  include 'INPUT'
1288  include 'TSTEP'
1290  if (param(27).lt. 0) then
1291  nfld_save=abs(param(27)) ! For full restart
1292  else
1293  nfld_save=3
1294  endif
1295  save_size=8 ! For full restart
1297  dtmp = param(63)
1298  if_full_pres_tmp = if_full_pres
1300  param(63) = 1 ! Enforce 64-bit output
1301  if_full_pres = .true. !Preserve mesh 2 pressure
1303  if (lastep.ne.1) call restart_save(iosave,nfld_save)
1305  param(63) = dtmp
1306  if_full_pres = if_full_pres_tmp
1308  return
1309  end
1310 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1311  subroutine restart_save(iosave,nfldi)
1313  integer iosave,nfldi
1316 c Save current fields for later restart.
1317 c
1318 c Input arguments:
1319 c
1320 c .iosave plays the usual triggering role, like iostep
1321 c
1322 c .nfldi is the number of rs files to save before overwriting
1323 c
1325  include 'SIZE'
1326  include 'TOTAL'
1327  include 'RESTART'
1329  character*3 prefix
1331  character*17 kst
1332  save kst
1333  data kst / '0123456789abcdefx' /
1334  character*1 ks1(0:16)
1335  equivalence(ks1,kst)
1337  logical if_full_pres_tmp
1339  iosav = iosave
1341  if (iosav.eq.0) iosav = iostep
1342  if (iosav.eq.0) return
1344  iotest = 0
1345 c if (iosav.eq.iostep) iotest = 1 ! currently spoiled because of
1346 c ! incompatible format of .fld
1347 c ! and multi-file i/o; the latter
1348 c ! is the only form used for restart
1350  nfld = nfldi*2
1351  nfld2 = nfld/2
1352  mfld = min(17,nfld)
1353  if (ifmhd) nfld2 = nfld/4
1355  i2 = iosav/2
1356  m1 = istep+iosav-iotest
1357  mt = mod(istep+iosav-iotest,iosav)
1358  prefix = ' '
1360  if (istep.gt.iosav/2 .and.
1361  $ mod(istep+iosav-iotest,iosav).lt.nfld2) then ! save
1362  write(prefix,'(A)') 'rs_'
1363 c write(prefix,3) ks1(mfld)
1364 c 3 format('rs',a1)
1366  p66 = param(66)
1367  param(66) = 6
1368  if (ifmhd) call outpost2(bx,by,bz,pm,t,0,prefix) ! first B
1369  call prepost (.true.,prefix)
1370  param(66) = p66
1372  endif
1374  return
1375  end
1376 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1377  subroutine outpost(v1,v2,v3,vp,vt,name3)
1379  include 'SIZE'
1380  include 'INPUT'
1382  real v1(1),v2(1),v3(1),vp(1),vt(1)
1383  character*3 name3
1386  itmp=0
1387  if (ifto) itmp=1
1388  call outpost2(v1,v2,v3,vp,vt,itmp,name3)
1390  return
1391  end
1392 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1393  subroutine outpost2(v1,v2,v3,vp,vt,nfldt,name3)
1395  include 'SIZE'
1396  include 'SOLN'
1397  include 'INPUT'
1399  parameter(ltot1=lx1*ly1*lz1*lelt)
1400  parameter(ltot2=lx2*ly2*lz2*lelv)
1401  common /outtmp/ w1(ltot1),w2(ltot1),w3(ltot1),wp(ltot2)
1402  & ,wt(ltot1,ldimt)
1403 c
1404  real v1(1),v2(1),v3(1),vp(1),vt(ltot1,1)
1405  character*3 name3
1406  logical if_save(ldimt)
1407 c
1408  ntot1 = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelt
1409  ntot1t = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelt
1410  ntot2 = lx2*ly2*lz2*nelt
1412  if(nfldt.gt.ldimt) then
1413  write(6,*) 'ABORT: outpost data too large (nfldt>ldimt)!'
1414  call exitt
1415  endif
1417 c store solution
1418  call copy(w1,vx,ntot1)
1419  call copy(w2,vy,ntot1)
1420  call copy(w3,vz,ntot1)
1421  call copy(wp,pr,ntot2)
1422  do i = 1,nfldt
1423  call copy(wt(1,i),t(1,1,1,1,i),ntot1t)
1424  enddo
1426 c swap with data to dump
1427  call copy(vx,v1,ntot1)
1428  call copy(vy,v2,ntot1)
1429  call copy(vz,v3,ntot1)
1430  call copy(pr,vp,ntot2)
1431  do i = 1,nfldt
1432  call copy(t(1,1,1,1,i),vt(1,i),ntot1t)
1433  enddo
1435 c dump data
1436  if_save(1) = ifto
1437  ifto = .false.
1438  if(nfldt.gt.0) ifto = .true.
1439  do i = 1,ldimt-1
1440  if_save(i+1) = ifpsco(i)
1441  ifpsco(i) = .false.
1442  if(i+1.le.nfldt) ifpsco(i) = .true.
1443  enddo
1445  call prepost(.true.,name3)
1447  ifto = if_save(1)
1448  do i = 1,ldimt-1
1449  ifpsco(i) = if_save(i+1)
1450  enddo
1452 c restore solution data
1453  call copy(vx,w1,ntot1)
1454  call copy(vy,w2,ntot1)
1455  call copy(vz,w3,ntot1)
1456  call copy(pr,wp,ntot2)
1457  do i = 1,nfldt
1458  call copy(t(1,1,1,1,i),wt(1,i),ntot1t)
1459  enddo
1461  return
1462  end
1463 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1464  subroutine mfo_mdatav(u,v,w,nel)
1466  include 'SIZE'
1467  include 'INPUT'
1468  include 'PARALLEL'
1469  include 'RESTART'
1471  real u(lx1*ly1*lz1,1),v(lx1*ly1*lz1,1),w(lx1*ly1*lz1,1)
1473  real*4 buffer(1+6*lelt)
1475  integer e
1477  call nekgsync() ! clear outstanding message queues.
1479  nxyz = lx1*ly1*lz1
1480  n = 2*ldim
1481  len = 4 + 4*(n*lelt) ! recv buffer size
1482  leo = 4 + 4*(n*nelt)
1483  ierr = 0
1485  ! Am I an I/O node?
1486  if (nid.eq.pid0) then
1487  j = 1
1488  do e=1,nel
1489  buffer(j+0) = vlmin(u(1,e),nxyz)
1490  buffer(j+1) = vlmax(u(1,e),nxyz)
1491  buffer(j+2) = vlmin(v(1,e),nxyz)
1492  buffer(j+3) = vlmax(v(1,e),nxyz)
1493  j = j + 4
1494  if(if3d) then
1495  buffer(j+0) = vlmin(w(1,e),nxyz)
1496  buffer(j+1) = vlmax(w(1,e),nxyz)
1497  j = j + 2
1498  endif
1499  enddo
1501  ! write out my data
1502  nout = n*nel
1503  if(ierr.eq.0) then
1504  if(ifmpiio) then
1505  call byte_write_mpi(buffer,nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1506  else
1507  call byte_write(buffer,nout,ierr)
1508  endif
1509  endif
1511  ! write out the data of my childs
1512  idum = 1
1513  do k=pid0+1,pid1
1514  mtype = k
1515  call csend(mtype,idum,4,k,0) ! handshake
1516  call crecv(mtype,buffer,len)
1517  inelp = buffer(1)
1518  nout = n*inelp
1519  if(ierr.eq.0) then
1520  if(ifmpiio) then
1521  call byte_write_mpi(buffer(2),nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1522  else
1523  call byte_write(buffer(2),nout,ierr)
1524  endif
1525  endif
1526  enddo
1527  else
1528  j = 1
1529  buffer(j) = nel
1530  j = j + 1
1531  do e=1,nel
1532  buffer(j+0) = vlmin(u(1,e),nxyz)
1533  buffer(j+1) = vlmax(u(1,e),nxyz)
1534  buffer(j+2) = vlmin(v(1,e),nxyz)
1535  buffer(j+3) = vlmax(v(1,e),nxyz)
1536  j = j + 4
1537  if(n.eq.6) then
1538  buffer(j+0) = vlmin(w(1,e),nxyz)
1539  buffer(j+1) = vlmax(w(1,e),nxyz)
1540  j = j + 2
1541  endif
1542  enddo
1544  ! send my data to my pararent I/O node
1545  mtype = nid
1546  call crecv(mtype,idum,4) ! hand-shake
1547  call csend(mtype,buffer,leo,pid0,0) ! u4 :=: u8
1548  endif
1550  call err_chk(ierr,'Error writing data to .f00 in mfo_mdatav. $')
1552  return
1553  end
1554 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1555  subroutine mfo_mdatas(u,nel)
1557  include 'SIZE'
1558  include 'INPUT'
1559  include 'PARALLEL'
1560  include 'RESTART'
1562  real u(lx1*ly1*lz1,1)
1564  real*4 buffer(1+2*lelt)
1566  integer e
1568  call nekgsync() ! clear outstanding message queues.
1570  nxyz = lx1*ly1*lz1
1571  n = 2
1572  len = 4 + 4*(n*lelt) ! recv buffer size
1573  leo = 4 + 4*(n*nelt)
1574  ierr = 0
1576  ! Am I an I/O node?
1577  if (nid.eq.pid0) then
1578  j = 1
1579  do e=1,nel
1580  buffer(j+0) = vlmin(u(1,e),nxyz)
1581  buffer(j+1) = vlmax(u(1,e),nxyz)
1582  j = j + 2
1583  enddo
1585  ! write out my data
1586  nout = n*nel
1587  if(ierr.eq.0) then
1588  if(ifmpiio) then
1589  call byte_write_mpi(buffer,nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1590  else
1591  call byte_write(buffer,nout,ierr)
1592  endif
1593  endif
1595  ! write out the data of my childs
1596  idum = 1
1597  do k=pid0+1,pid1
1598  mtype = k
1599  call csend(mtype,idum,4,k,0) ! handshake
1600  call crecv(mtype,buffer,len)
1601  inelp = buffer(1)
1602  nout = n*inelp
1603  if(ierr.eq.0) then
1604  if(ifmpiio) then
1605  call byte_write_mpi(buffer(2),nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1606  else
1607  call byte_write(buffer(2),nout,ierr)
1608  endif
1609  endif
1610  enddo
1611  else
1612  j = 1
1613  buffer(j) = nel
1614  j = j + 1
1615  do e=1,nel
1616  buffer(j+0) = vlmin(u(1,e),nxyz)
1617  buffer(j+1) = vlmax(u(1,e),nxyz)
1618  j = j + 2
1619  enddo
1621  ! send my data to my pararent I/O node
1622  mtype = nid
1623  call crecv(mtype,idum,4) ! hand-shake
1624  call csend(mtype,buffer,leo,pid0,0) ! u4 :=: u8
1625  endif
1627  call err_chk(ierr,'Error writing data to .f00 in mfo_mdatas. $')
1629  return
1630  end
1631 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1632  subroutine mfo_outs(u,nel,mx,my,mz) ! output a scalar field
1634  include 'SIZE'
1635  include 'INPUT'
1636  include 'PARALLEL'
1637  include 'RESTART'
1639  real u(mx,my,mz,1)
1641  common /scrns/ u4(2+lxo*lxo*lxo*2*lelt)
1642  real*4 u4
1643  real*8 u8(1+lxo*lxo*lxo*1*lelt)
1644  equivalence(u4,u8)
1646  integer e
1648  umax = glmax(u,nel*mx*my*mz)
1649  umin = glmin(u,nel*mx*my*mz)
1650  if(nid.eq.0) write(6,'(A,2g13.5)') ' min/max:', umin,umax
1652  call nekgsync() ! clear outstanding message queues.
1653  if(mx.gt.lxo .or. my.gt.lxo .or. mz.gt.lxo) then
1654  if(nid.eq.0) write(6,*) 'ABORT: lxo too small'
1655  call exitt
1656  endif
1658  nxyz = mx*my*mz
1659  len = 8 + 8*(lelt*nxyz) ! recv buffer size
1660  leo = 8 + wdsizo*(nel*nxyz)
1661  ntot = nxyz*nel
1663  idum = 1
1664  ierr = 0
1666  if (nid.eq.pid0) then
1668  if (wdsizo.eq.4) then ! 32-bit output
1669  call copyx4 (u4,u,ntot)
1670  else
1671  call copy (u8,u,ntot)
1672  endif
1673  nout = wdsizo/4 * ntot
1674  if(ierr.eq.0) then
1675  if(ifmpiio) then
1676  call byte_write_mpi(u4,nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1677  else
1678  call byte_write(u4,nout,ierr) ! u4 :=: u8
1679  endif
1680  endif
1682  ! write out the data of my childs
1683  idum = 1
1684  do k=pid0+1,pid1
1685  mtype = k
1686  call csend(mtype,idum,4,k,0) ! handshake
1687  call crecv(mtype,u4,len)
1688  nout = wdsizo/4 * nxyz * u8(1)
1689  if (wdsizo.eq.4.and.ierr.eq.0) then
1690  if(ifmpiio) then
1691  call byte_write_mpi(u4(3),nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1692  else
1693  call byte_write(u4(3),nout,ierr)
1694  endif
1695  elseif(ierr.eq.0) then
1696  if(ifmpiio) then
1697  call byte_write_mpi(u8(2),nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1698  else
1699  call byte_write(u8(2),nout,ierr)
1700  endif
1701  endif
1702  enddo
1704  else
1706  u8(1)= nel
1707  if (wdsizo.eq.4) then ! 32-bit output
1708  call copyx4 (u4(3),u,ntot)
1709  else
1710  call copy (u8(2),u,ntot)
1711  endif
1713  mtype = nid
1714  call crecv(mtype,idum,4) ! hand-shake
1715  call csend(mtype,u4,leo,pid0,0) ! u4 :=: u8
1717  endif
1719  call err_chk(ierr,'Error writing data to .f00 in mfo_outs. $')
1721  return
1722  end
1723 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1725  subroutine mfo_outv(u,v,w,nel,mx,my,mz) ! output a vector field
1727  include 'SIZE'
1728  include 'INPUT'
1729  include 'PARALLEL'
1730  include 'RESTART'
1732  real u(mx*my*mz,1),v(mx*my*mz,1),w(mx*my*mz,1)
1734  common /scrns/ u4(2+lxo*lxo*lxo*6*lelt)
1735  real*4 u4
1736  real*8 u8(1+lxo*lxo*lxo*3*lelt)
1737  equivalence(u4,u8)
1739  integer e
1741  umax = glmax(u,nel*mx*my*mz)
1742  vmax = glmax(v,nel*mx*my*mz)
1743  wmax = glmax(w,nel*mx*my*mz)
1744  umin = glmin(u,nel*mx*my*mz)
1745  vmin = glmin(v,nel*mx*my*mz)
1746  wmin = glmin(w,nel*mx*my*mz)
1747  if(nid.eq.0) write(6,'(A,6g13.5)') ' min/max:',
1748  $ umin,umax, vmin,vmax, wmin,wmax
1750  call nekgsync() ! clear outstanding message queues.
1751  if(mx.gt.lxo .or. my.gt.lxo .or. mz.gt.lxo) then
1752  if(nid.eq.0) write(6,*) 'ABORT: lxo too small'
1753  call exitt
1754  endif
1756  nxyz = mx*my*mz
1757  len = 8 + 8*(lelt*nxyz*ldim) ! recv buffer size (u4)
1758  leo = 8 + wdsizo*(nel*nxyz*ldim)
1759  idum = 1
1760  ierr = 0
1762  if (nid.eq.pid0) then
1763  j = 0
1764  if (wdsizo.eq.4) then ! 32-bit output
1765  do iel = 1,nel
1766  call copyx4 (u4(j+1),u(1,iel),nxyz)
1767  j = j + nxyz
1768  call copyx4 (u4(j+1),v(1,iel),nxyz)
1769  j = j + nxyz
1770  if(if3d) then
1771  call copyx4 (u4(j+1),w(1,iel),nxyz)
1772  j = j + nxyz
1773  endif
1774  enddo
1775  else
1776  do iel = 1,nel
1777  call copy (u8(j+1),u(1,iel),nxyz)
1778  j = j + nxyz
1779  call copy (u8(j+1),v(1,iel),nxyz)
1780  j = j + nxyz
1781  if(if3d) then
1782  call copy (u8(j+1),w(1,iel),nxyz)
1783  j = j + nxyz
1784  endif
1785  enddo
1786  endif
1787  nout = wdsizo/4 * ldim*nel * nxyz
1788  if(ierr.eq.0) then
1789  if(ifmpiio) then
1790  call byte_write_mpi(u4,nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1791  else
1792  call byte_write(u4,nout,ierr) ! u4 :=: u8
1793  endif
1794  endif
1796  ! write out the data of my childs
1797  do k=pid0+1,pid1
1798  mtype = k
1799  call csend(mtype,idum,4,k,0) ! handshake
1800  call crecv(mtype,u4,len)
1801  nout = wdsizo/4 * ldim*nxyz * u8(1)
1803  if (wdsizo.eq.4.and.ierr.eq.0) then
1804  if(ifmpiio) then
1805  call byte_write_mpi(u4(3),nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1806  else
1807  call byte_write(u4(3),nout,ierr)
1808  endif
1809  elseif(ierr.eq.0) then
1810  if(ifmpiio) then
1811  call byte_write_mpi(u8(2),nout,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1812  else
1813  call byte_write(u8(2),nout,ierr)
1814  endif
1815  endif
1816  enddo
1817  else
1819  u8(1) = nel
1820  if (wdsizo.eq.4) then ! 32-bit output
1821  j = 2
1822  do iel = 1,nel
1823  call copyx4 (u4(j+1),u(1,iel),nxyz)
1824  j = j + nxyz
1825  call copyx4 (u4(j+1),v(1,iel),nxyz)
1826  j = j + nxyz
1827  if(if3d) then
1828  call copyx4 (u4(j+1),w(1,iel),nxyz)
1829  j = j + nxyz
1830  endif
1831  enddo
1832  else
1833  j = 1
1834  do iel = 1,nel
1835  call copy (u8(j+1),u(1,iel),nxyz)
1836  j = j + nxyz
1837  call copy (u8(j+1),v(1,iel),nxyz)
1838  j = j + nxyz
1839  if(if3d) then
1840  call copy (u8(j+1),w(1,iel),nxyz)
1841  j = j + nxyz
1842  endif
1843  enddo
1844  endif
1846  mtype = nid
1847  call crecv(mtype,idum,4) ! hand-shake
1848  call csend(mtype,u4,leo,pid0,0) ! u4 :=: u8
1850  endif
1852  call err_chk(ierr,'Error writing data to .f00 in mfo_outv. $')
1853  return
1854  end
1855 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1856  subroutine mfo_write_hdr ! write hdr, byte key, els.
1858  include 'SIZE'
1859  include 'SOLN'
1860  include 'INPUT'
1861  include 'PARALLEL'
1862  include 'RESTART'
1863  include 'TSTEP'
1864  real*4 test_pattern
1865  common /ctmp0/ lglist(0:lelt)
1867  character*132 hdr
1868  integer*8 ioff
1869  logical if_press_mesh
1871  call nekgsync()
1872  idum = 1
1874  if(ifmpiio) then
1875  nfileoo = 1 ! all data into one file
1876  nelo = nelgt
1877  else
1878  nfileoo = nfileo
1879  if(nid.eq.pid0) then ! how many elements to dump
1880  nelo = nelt
1881  do j = pid0+1,pid1
1882  mtype = j
1883  call csend(mtype,idum,4,j,0) ! handshake
1884  call crecv(mtype,inelp,4)
1885  nelo = nelo + inelp
1886  enddo
1887  else
1888  mtype = nid
1889  call crecv(mtype,idum,4) ! hand-shake
1890  call csend(mtype,nelt,4,pid0,0) ! u4 :=: u8
1891  endif
1892  endif
1894  ierr = 0
1895  if(nid.eq.pid0) then
1897  call blank(hdr,132) ! write header
1898  call blank(rdcode1,10)
1899  i = 1
1900  IF (ifxyo) THEN
1901  rdcode1(i)='X'
1902  i = i + 1
1903  ENDIF
1904  IF (ifvo) THEN
1905  rdcode1(i)='U'
1906  i = i + 1
1907  ENDIF
1908  IF (ifpo) THEN
1909  rdcode1(i)='P'
1910  i = i + 1
1911  ENDIF
1912  IF (ifto) THEN
1913  rdcode1(i)='T'
1914  i = i + 1
1915  ENDIF
1916  IF (ldimt.GT.1) THEN
1917  npscalo = 0
1918  do k = 1,ldimt-1
1919  if(ifpsco(k)) npscalo = npscalo + 1
1920  enddo
1921  IF (npscalo.GT.0) THEN
1922  rdcode1(i) = 'S'
1923  WRITE(rdcode1(i+1),'(I1)') npscalo/10
1924  WRITE(rdcode1(i+2),'(I1)') npscalo-(npscalo/10)*10
1925  ENDIF
1926  ENDIF
1928 c check pressure format
1929  if_press_mesh = .false.
1930  if (.not.ifsplit.and.if_full_pres) if_press_mesh = .true.
1932  write(hdr,1) wdsizo,nxo,nyo,nzo,nelo,nelgt,time,istep,fid0,nfileoo
1933  $ ,(rdcode1(i),i=1,10),p0th,if_press_mesh
1934  1 format('#std',1x,i1,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i10,1x,i10,1x,e20.13,
1935  & 1x,i9,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,10a,1pe15.7,1x,l1)
1937  test_pattern = 6.54321 ! write test pattern for byte swap
1939  if(ifmpiio) then
1940  ! only rank0 (pid00) will write hdr + test_pattern
1941  call byte_write_mpi(hdr,iheadersize/4,pid00,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1942  call byte_write_mpi(test_pattern,1,pid00,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1943  else
1944  call byte_write(hdr,iheadersize/4,ierr)
1945  call byte_write(test_pattern,1,ierr)
1946  endif
1948  endif
1950  call err_chk(ierr,'Error writing header in mfo_write_hdr. $')
1952  ! write global element numbering for this group
1953  if(nid.eq.pid0) then
1954  if(ifmpiio) then
1955  ioff = iheadersize + 4 + nelb*isize
1956  call byte_set_view (ioff,ifh_mbyte)
1957  call byte_write_mpi(lglel,nelt,-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1958  else
1959  call byte_write(lglel,nelt,ierr)
1960  endif
1962  do j = pid0+1,pid1
1963  mtype = j
1964  call csend(mtype,idum,4,j,0) ! handshake
1965  len = 4*(lelt+1)
1966  call crecv(mtype,lglist,len)
1967  if(ierr.eq.0) then
1968  if(ifmpiio) then
1969  call byte_write_mpi(lglist(1),lglist(0),-1,ifh_mbyte,ierr)
1970  else
1971  call byte_write(lglist(1),lglist(0),ierr)
1972  endif
1973  endif
1974  enddo
1975  else
1976  mtype = nid
1977  call crecv(mtype,idum,4) ! hand-shake
1979  lglist(0) = nelt
1980  call icopy(lglist(1),lglel,nelt)
1982  len = 4*(nelt+1)
1983  call csend(mtype,lglist,len,pid0,0)
1984  endif
1986  call err_chk(ierr,'Error writing global nums in mfo_write_hdr$')
1987  return
1988  end
1989 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define byte_open
Definition: byte.c:35
void exitt()
Definition: comm_mpi.f:604
#define byte_write
Definition: byte.c:39
#define byte_close
Definition: byte.c:36
subroutine byte_open_mpi(fnamei, mpi_fh, ifro, ierr)
Definition: byte_mpi.f:13
subroutine byte_write_mpi(buf, icount, iorank, mpi_fh, ierr)
Definition: byte_mpi.f:65
subroutine byte_close_mpi(mpi_fh, ierr)
Definition: byte_mpi.f:84
subroutine byte_set_view(ioff_in, mpi_fh)
Definition: byte_mpi.f:97
subroutine crecv2(mtype, buf, lenm, jnid)
Definition: comm_mpi.f:333
function igl_running_sum(in)
Definition: comm_mpi.f:700
subroutine crecv(mtype, buf, lenm)
Definition: comm_mpi.f:313
subroutine gop(x, w, op, n)
Definition: comm_mpi.f:201
subroutine nekgsync()
Definition: comm_mpi.f:502
subroutine csend(mtype, buf, len, jnid, jpid)
Definition: comm_mpi.f:303
subroutine bcast(buf, len)
Definition: comm_mpi.f:431
subroutine err_chk(ierr, string)
Definition: comm_mpi.f:558
real *8 function dnekclock_sync()
Definition: comm_mpi.f:401
integer function gllel(ieg)
Definition: dprocmap.f:183
integer function gllnid(ieg)
Definition: dprocmap.f:161
subroutine addfid(fname, fid)
Definition: ic.f:2512
integer function indx1(S1, S2, L2)
Definition: ic.f:1357
function glmin(a, n)
Definition: math.f:973
function mod1(i, n)
Definition: math.f:509
subroutine icopy(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:289
subroutine ione(a, n)
Definition: math.f:223
real function vlmax(vec, n)
Definition: math.f:396
subroutine copy(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:260
subroutine blank(A, N)
Definition: math.f:19
function ltrunc(string, l)
Definition: math.f:494
function glsum(x, n)
Definition: math.f:861
subroutine chcopy(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:281
real function vlmin(vec, n)
Definition: math.f:357
subroutine rzero(a, n)
Definition: math.f:208
function glmax(a, n)
Definition: math.f:960
subroutine mxm(a, n1, b, n2, c, n3)
Definition: mxm_wrapper.f:2
subroutine map2reg(ur, n, u, nel)
Definition: postpro.f:544
subroutine mfo_mdatas(u, nel)
Definition: prepost.f:1556
subroutine restart_save(iosave, nfldi)
Definition: prepost.f:1312
subroutine dump_header(excodein, p66, ierr)
Definition: prepost.f:614
subroutine mfo_outfld(prefix)
Definition: prepost.f:838
subroutine close_fld(p66, ierr)
Definition: prepost.f:782
subroutine set_outfld
Definition: prepost.f:3
subroutine out_tmp(id, p66, ierr)
Definition: prepost.f:798
subroutine mfo_outv(u, v, w, nel, mx, my, mz)
Definition: prepost.f:1726
subroutine mfo_open_files(prefix, ierr)
Definition: prepost.f:1071
subroutine prepost(ifdoin, prefin)
Definition: prepost.f:91
subroutine file2(nopen, PREFIX)
Definition: prepost.f:445
subroutine full_restart_save(iosave)
Definition: prepost.f:1282
subroutine copy4r(a, b, n)
Definition: prepost.f:568
subroutine mfo_mdatav(u, v, w, nel)
Definition: prepost.f:1465
subroutine prepost_map(isave)
Definition: prepost.f:136
subroutine mfo_outs(u, nel, mx, my, mz)
Definition: prepost.f:1633
subroutine outfld(prefix)
Definition: prepost.f:252
subroutine rzero4(a, n)
Definition: prepost.f:553
subroutine copyx4(a, b, n)
Definition: prepost.f:560
subroutine get_id(id)
Definition: prepost.f:763
subroutine outpost(v1, v2, v3, vp, vt, name3)
Definition: prepost.f:1378
subroutine outpost2(v1, v2, v3, vp, vt, nfldt, name3)
Definition: prepost.f:1394
subroutine fill_tmp(tdump, id, ie)
Definition: prepost.f:691
subroutine io_init
Definition: prepost.f:1024
subroutine restart_nfld(nfld, prefix)
Definition: prepost.f:1177
subroutine check_ioinfo
Definition: prepost.f:39
subroutine mfo_write_hdr
Definition: prepost.f:1857
function i_find_prefix(prefix, imax)
Definition: prepost.f:577