KTH framework for Nek5000 toolboxes; testing version  0.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2  subroutine out_acsr(acsr,ia,ja,n)
3  real acsr(1)
4  integer ia(2),ja(1)
5  character*1 adum
6 c
7  open (unit=40,file='q0')
8  open (unit=41,file='q1')
9  open (unit=42,file='q2')
10 c
11  write(6,*) 'this is ia:',ia(1),ia(2),n
12  do i=1,n
13  nc = ia(i+1)-ia(i)
14  j0 = ia(i)-1
15  do jc=1,nc
16  j = ja(jc+j0)
17  a = acsr(jc+j0)
18  write(40,40) a
19  write(41,41) i
20  write(42,41) j
21  write(6,*) i,j,a
22  enddo
23  enddo
24  40 format(1pe20.12)
25  41 format(i9)
26 c
27  close (unit=40)
28  close (unit=41)
29  close (unit=42)
30 c
31 c write(6,*) 'Output in q0,q1,q2. Continue? <cr> '
32 c read (5,*,end=1,err=1) adum
33  1 continue
34 c
35  return
36  end
37 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
38  subroutine compress_acsr(acsr,ia,ja,n)
39 c
40 c Compress csr formatted a matrix based on drop tolerance, eps.
41 c
42  real acsr(1)
43  integer ia(1),ja(1)
44 c
45  eps = 1.e-10
46 c
47  k0 = ia(1)-1
48  do i=1,n
49  nc = ia(i+1)-ia(i)
50  j0 = ia(i)-1
52 C row sum as metric
53  aa = 0.0
54  do jc=1,nc
55  aa = aa+abs(acsr(jc+j0))
56  enddo
57  if (aa.lt.eps) then
58  write(6,*) 'inf-norm of row is small',aa
59  aa=1.0
60  endif
61 C
62  kc = 0
63  do jc=1,nc
64  ae = abs(acsr(jc+j0)/aa)
65  if (ae.gt.eps) then
66 c bump column pointer
67  kc = kc+1
68  acsr(kc+k0) = acsr(jc+j0)
69  ja(kc+k0) = ja(jc+j0)
70  endif
71  enddo
72  ia(i) = k0+1
73  k0 = k0+kc
74  enddo
75  ia(i) = k0+1
76 c
77  return
78  end
79 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
80  subroutine outbox(xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin,io)
81 c
82  dx = xmax-xmin
83  dy = ymax-ymin
84  dd = max(dx,dy)/2.
85 c
86  xh = (xmax+xmin)/2.
87  yh = (ymax+ymin)/2.
88  xmn = xh - dd
89  xmx = xh + dd
90  ymn = yh - dd
91  ymx = yh + dd
92 c
93  write(io,*)
94  write(io,*) ymn,xmn
95  write(io,*) ymx,xmn
96  write(io,*) ymx,xmx
97  write(io,*) ymn,xmx
98  write(io,*) ymn,xmn
99  write(io,*)
100 c
101  return
102  end
103 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
104  subroutine imout(x,m,n,name)
105  integer x(m,1)
106  character*9 name
107 c
108  n15 = min(n,30)
109  do i=1,m
110  write(6,6) n,name,(x(i,k),k=1,n15)
111  enddo
112  6 format(i4,1x,a9,':',2x,30i3)
113  return
114  end
115 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
116  subroutine out_abd(abd,lda,n,m)
117  real abd(lda,1)
118 c
119  write(6,*) 'abd:',lda,m,n
120  do j=1,n
121  write(6,6) (abd(i,j),i=lda,1,-1)
122  enddo
123  6 format(12f8.3)
124 c.
125 c.
126  open(unit=40,file='b0')
127  open(unit=41,file='b1')
128  open(unit=42,file='b2')
129  mm = lda-1
130  do 20 j = 1, n
131  i1 = max0(1, j-mm)
132  do 10 i = i1, j
133  k = i-j+mm+1
134  a = abd(k,j)
135  write(40,*) a
136  write(41,*) i
137  write(42,*) j
138  10 continue
139  20 continue
140 c
141  close(unit=40)
142  close(unit=41)
143  close(unit=42)
144 c
145  return
146  end
147 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
148  subroutine rarr_out(x,name13)
149  include 'SIZE'
150  include 'INPUT'
151 c
152  real x(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt)
153  character*13 name13
154 c
155  if (nelv.gt.20) return
156  write(6,*)
157  write(6,1) name13
158  1 format('rarr ',3x,a13)
159 c
160 c 3 D
161 c
162  if (if3d) then
163  do iz=1,lz1
164  write(6,*)
165  do j=ly1,1,-1
166  write(6,3) (x(k,j,iz,1),k=1,lx1),(x(k,j,iz,2),k=1,lx1)
167  enddo
168  enddo
169  write(6,*)
170  write(6,*)
171  return
172  endif
173 c
174 c 2 D
175 c
176  if (nelv.gt.2) then
177  write(6,*)
178  do j=ly1,1,-1
179  write(6,6) (x(k,j,1,3),k=1,lx1),(x(k,j,1,4),k=1,lx1)
180  enddo
181  write(6,*)
182  write(6,*)
183  endif
184 c
185  do j=ly1,1,-1
186  write(6,6) (x(k,j,1,1),k=1,lx1),(x(k,j,1,2),k=1,lx1)
187  enddo
188  write(6,*)
189  3 format(4f6.2,5x,4f6.2)
190  6 format(6f8.4,5x,6f8.4)
191  return
192  end
193 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
194  subroutine iarr_out(x,name)
195  include 'SIZE'
196  include 'INPUT'
197 c
198  integer x(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt)
199  character*13 name
200 c
201  if (nelv.gt.20) return
202  write(6,*)
203  write(6,1) name
204  1 format(a13)
205 c
206 c 3 D
207 c
208  if (if3d) then
209  do iz=1,lz1
210  write(6,*)
211  do j=ly1,1,-1
212  write(6,3) (x(k,j,iz,1),k=1,lx1),(x(k,j,iz,2),k=1,lx1)
213  enddo
214  enddo
215  write(6,*)
216  write(6,*)
217  return
218  endif
219 c
220 c 2 D
221 c
222  if (nelv.gt.2) then
223  write(6,*)
224  do j=ly1,1,-1
225  write(6,6) (x(k,j,1,3),k=1,lx1),(x(k,j,1,4),k=1,lx1)
226  enddo
227  write(6,*)
228  write(6,*)
229  endif
230 c
231  do j=ly1,1,-1
232  write(6,6) (x(k,j,1,1),k=1,lx1),(x(k,j,1,2),k=1,lx1)
233  enddo
234  write(6,*)
235  3 format(4i5,5x,4i5)
236  6 format(5i5,5x,5i5)
237  return
238  end
239 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
240  subroutine iar2_out(x,name)
241  include 'SIZE'
242 c
243  integer x(lx2,ly2,lz2,lelt)
244  character*13 name
245 c
246  if (nelv.gt.20) return
247  write(6,*)
248  write(6,1) name
249  1 format(a13)
250  if (nelv.gt.2) then
251  write(6,*)
252  do j=ly2,1,-1
253  write(6,6) (x(k,j,1,3),k=1,lx2),(x(k,j,1,4),k=1,lx2)
254  enddo
255  write(6,*)
256  write(6,*)
257  endif
258 c
259  do j=ly2,1,-1
260  write(6,6) (x(k,j,1,1),k=1,lx2),(x(k,j,1,2),k=1,lx2)
261  enddo
262  write(6,*)
263  6 format(3i5,5x,3i5)
264  return
265  end
266 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
267  subroutine scsr_permute(bcsr,ib,jb,acsr,ia,ja,n
268  $ ,icperm,inverse,nonzero,nzero)
269 c
270 c Permutes a Symmetric Compressed Sparse Row formatted matrix
271 c to minimize bandwidth
272 c
273 c Reqired space: NONZERO is an array of size 2*nnz+2, where nnz
274 c is the number of nonzeros. NONZERO and jb may
275 c occupy the same space.
276 c
277 c NOTE!!: "inverse" is used as a scratch array for reals
278 c in the swap call below... Therefore, inverse must
279 c be aligned on even byte boundaries when running
280 c in 64 bit precision.
281 c
282 c
283  real bcsr(1)
284  integer ib(1),jb(1)
285 c
286  real acsr(1)
287  integer ia(1),ja(1)
288 c
289  integer icperm(n),nonzero(2,0:1)
290  integer inverse(n),nzero(n)
291 C HMT HACK ... if we're actualy using smbwr.c then we need to
292 C uncomment the following line!!!
293 C integer sm_bandwidth_reduction
294 c
295  integer icalld,max_n
296  save icalld,max_n
297  data icalld,max_n /0,0/
298 C
299 C HMT HACK ... if we're actualy using smbwr.c then we need to
300 C delete the following line!!!
301  write(6,*) 'HMT HACK in subroutine scsr_permute() ... pls fix!'
302  call exitt
303 C
304  icalld=icalld+1
305 c
306  write(6,*) 'scsr_permute',n,acsr(1)
307  mnz = 0
308  mbw_in = 0
309  do i=1,n
310  n1 = ia(i) +1
311  n2 = ia(i+1)-1
312  do jj=n1,n2
313  mnz = mnz+1
314  j = ja(jj)
315  nonzero(1,mnz) = i
316  nonzero(2,mnz) = j
317 C write (6,*) i,j
318  mbw_in = max(mbw_in,abs(i-j))
319  enddo
320  enddo
321  nonzero(1,0) = n
322  nonzero(2,0) = mnz
323 C
324  itype = -1
325 C itype = -2
326  if (n.le.200) itype = -2
327  write(6,*) 'this is mnz:',mnz
328 C write(6,*) nonzero(1,0), nonzero(2,0)
329 c
330 C HMT HACK ... if we're actualy using smbwr.c then we need to
331 C uncomment the following line!!!
332 C ierr = sm_bandwidth_reduction(nonzero(1,0),icperm(1),itype)
333  ierr = 1
334  if (ierr.eq.0) then
335  write(6,*) 'scsr_permute :: sm_bandwidth_reduction failed',ierr
336  call exitt
337  elseif (ierr.lt.0) then
338  write(6,*) 'scsr_permute :: graph disconnected?',ierr
339  call exitt
340  endif
341 c
342 c Setup inverse map
343 c
344  do i=1,n
345  inverse(icperm(i))=i
346  enddo
347 c
348 C n20 = min(50,n)
349 C write(6,20) (icperm (k),k=1,n20)
350 C write(6,21) (inverse(k),k=1,n20)
351 C 20 format('icp:',20i4)
352 C 21 format('inv:',20i4)
353 c
354 c
355 c Count *number* of nonzeros on each row in the new row pointer
356 c
357  call izero(nzero,2*mnz)
358  do i=1,n
359  n1 = ia(i)
360  n2 = ia(i+1)-1
361  ii = inverse(i)
362  do jc=n1,n2
363  j=ja(jc)
364  jj = inverse(j)
365  if (jj.ge.ii) then
366  nzero(ii) = nzero(ii)+1
367  else
368  nzero(jj) = nzero(jj)+1
369  endif
370  enddo
371  enddo
372 c
373 c Convert to pointers
374 c
375  ib(1) = 1
376  do i=1,n
377  ib(i+1) = ib(i)+nzero(i)
378  enddo
379 c
380 c Fill permuted array
381 c
382  call icopy(nzero,ib,n)
383  do i=1,n
384  n1 = ia(i)
385  n2 = ia(i+1)-1
386  ii = inverse(i)
387  do jc=n1,n2
388  j=ja(jc)
389  jj = inverse(j)
390  if (jj.ge.ii) then
391  jb(nzero(ii)) = jj
392  bcsr(nzero(ii)) = acsr(jc)
393  nzero(ii) = nzero(ii)+1
394  else
395  jb(nzero(jj)) = ii
396  bcsr(nzero(jj)) = acsr(jc)
397  nzero(jj) = nzero(jj)+1
398  endif
399  enddo
400  enddo
401 c
402 c Sort each row of b in ascending column order --
403 c just for subsequent access efficiency
404 c
405  m2 = mod(n2,2)+2
406  do i=1,n
407  n1 = ib(i)
408  n2 = ib(i+1)-ib(i)
409  call isort(jb(n1),nzero,n2)
410 c write(6,*) 'call swap:',n,i,m2,n1,n2
411  call swap (bcsr(n1),nzero,n2,inverse)
412  enddo
413 c
414  if (icalld.le.10.or.mod(icalld,50).eq.0.or.n.gt.max_n) then
415  mbw = mbw_csr(ib,jb,n)
416  write(6,*) ierr,mbw,mbw_in,n,mnz,' New bandwidth'
417  if (n.gt.max_n) max_n = n
418  endif
419 c
420  return
421  end
422 c=======================================================================
423  subroutine scsr_to_spb(abd,lda,acsr,ia,ja,n)
424 c
425 c This, and the companion routines map a *symmetrically*
426 c stored (upper 1/2 only) Compressed Sparse Row formatted
427 c matrix to the linpack banded format.
428 c
429 c
430  real abd(1),acsr(1)
431  integer m,n,ia(1),ja(1)
432 c
433  lda = mbw_csr(ia,ja,n) + 1
434  call scsr_to_spbm(abd,lda,acsr,ia,ja,n)
435 c
436  return
437  end
438 c=======================================================================
439  subroutine scsr_to_spbm(abd,lda,acsr,ia,ja,n)
440 c
441  real abd(lda,1),acsr(1)
442  integer n,ia(1),ja(1)
443 c
444  call rzero(abd,lda*n)
445  do i=1,n
446  n1 = ia(i)
447  n2 = ia(i+1)-1
448  do jc=n1,n2
449  j=ja(jc)
450  klin = lda + (i-j)
451  jlin = j
452  abd(klin,jlin) = acsr(jc)
453  enddo
454  enddo
455  return
456  end
457  function mbw_csr(ia,ja,n)
458 c
459 c Determine the maximum bandwidth for a csr formatted matrix
460 c
461  integer ia(1),ja(1)
462 c
463  m = 0
464  do i=1,n
465  n1 = ia(i)
466  n2 = ia(i+1)-1
467  do jc=n1,n2
468  j=ja(jc)
469  m = max(m,abs(i-j))
470  enddo
471  enddo
472  mbw_csr = m
473  return
474  end
475 c=======================================================================
476  subroutine out_spbmat(abd,n,lda,name)
477  real abd(lda,1)
478 c
479  character*9 name
480  character*6 s(22)
481 c
482  m = lda-1
483  write(6,1) name,n,m
484  1 format(/,'SPB Mat:',a9,3x,'n =',i3,' m =',i3,/)
485 c
486  n22 = min(n,22)
487  do i=1,n
488  call blank(s,132)
489  ii = lda*i
490  do k=0,m
491  j = i+k
492  a = abd(ii+k*m,1)
493  if (a.ne.0..and.j.le.n22) write(s(j),6) a
494  enddo
495  write(6,22) (s(k),k=1,n22)
496  enddo
497  6 format(f6.3)
498  22 format(22a6)
499 c
500  return
501  end
502 c=======================================================================
503  subroutine swap(b,ind,n,temp)
504  real B(1),TEMP(1)
505  integer IND(1)
506 C***
509 C***
510  DO 20 i=1,n
511  jj=ind(i)
512  temp(i)=b(jj)
513  20 CONTINUE
514  DO 30 i=1,n
515  30 b(i)=temp(i)
517  END
518 c=======================================================================
519  subroutine ipermute(a,icperm,n,b)
520  integer a(1),b(1)
521  integer icperm(1)
522 c
523  call icopy(b,a,n)
524  do i=1,n
525  a(i) = b(icperm(i))
526  enddo
527  return
528  end
529 c=======================================================================
530  subroutine out_csrmat(acsr,ia,ja,n,name9)
531  real acsr(1)
532  integer ia(1),ja(1)
533 c
534  character*9 name9
535  character*6 s(22)
536 c
537  nnz = ia(n+1)-ia(1)
538 c
539  write(6,1) name9,n,nnz
540  1 format(/,'CSR Mat:',a9,3x,'n =',i3,3x,'nnz =',i5,/)
541 c
542  n22 = min(n,22)
543  n29 = min(n,29)
544  do i=1,n29
545  call blank(s,132)
546  n1 = ia(i)
547  n2 = ia(i+1)-1
548  do jj=n1,n2
549  j = ja(jj)
550  a = acsr(jj)
551  if (a.ne.0..and.j.le.n22) write(s(j),6) a
552  enddo
553  write(6,22) (s(k),k=1,n22)
554  enddo
555  6 format(f6.2)
556  22 format(22a6)
557 c
558  return
559  end
560 c=======================================================================
void exitt()
Definition: comm_mpi.f:604
subroutine icopy(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:289
subroutine isort(a, ind, n)
Definition: math.f:1273
subroutine blank(A, N)
Definition: math.f:19
subroutine izero(a, n)
Definition: math.f:215
subroutine rzero(a, n)
Definition: math.f:208
subroutine scsr_to_spbm(abd, lda, acsr, ia, ja, n)
Definition: navier7.f:440
subroutine outbox(xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin, io)
Definition: navier7.f:81
subroutine out_abd(abd, lda, n, m)
Definition: navier7.f:117
subroutine scsr_to_spb(abd, lda, acsr, ia, ja, n)
Definition: navier7.f:424
subroutine compress_acsr(acsr, ia, ja, n)
Definition: navier7.f:39
subroutine ipermute(a, icperm, n, b)
Definition: navier7.f:520
subroutine out_csrmat(acsr, ia, ja, n, name9)
Definition: navier7.f:531
subroutine out_spbmat(abd, n, lda, name)
Definition: navier7.f:477
subroutine iarr_out(x, name)
Definition: navier7.f:195
subroutine iar2_out(x, name)
Definition: navier7.f:241
function mbw_csr(ia, ja, n)
Definition: navier7.f:458
subroutine out_acsr(acsr, ia, ja, n)
Definition: navier7.f:3
subroutine imout(x, m, n, name)
Definition: navier7.f:105
subroutine scsr_permute(bcsr, ib, jb, acsr, ia, ja, n, icperm, inverse, nonzero, nzero)
Definition: navier7.f:269
subroutine swap(b, ind, n, temp)
Definition: navier7.f:504
subroutine rarr_out(x, name13)
Definition: navier7.f:149