KTH framework for Nek5000 toolboxes; testing version  0.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  real function avm_vdiff(ix,iy,iz,e,c1,ncut)
2 c
3 c c1 and ncut a user tuneable control parameters.
4 c Set c1 = 1.0 and reduce/increase as much possible/required,
5 c depending on your application.
6 c Typically ncut 1 or 2 works well.
7 c Note, avoid using lx1 < 6!
8 c
9  include 'SIZE'
10  include 'TOTAL'
12  integer ix, iy, iz, e
13  real c1, c2
14  integer ncut
16  logical ifcont
17  parameter(ifcont=.false.)
19  real visc(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt)
20  save visc
22  common /scrmg/ r(lx1*ly1*lz1,lelt),
23  $ tx(lx1*ly1*lz1,lelt),
24  $ ty(lx1*ly1*lz1,lelt),
25  $ tz(lx1*ly1*lz1,lelt)
27  parameter(lm=40)
28  parameter(lm2=lm*lm)
29  real hpf_filter(lm2)
30  real hpf_op(lx1*lx1,ldimt1)
31  save hpf_op
33  integer ibuild(ldimt1)
34  save ibuild
36  save icalld
37  data icalld / 0 /
39  real h0,h0max
40  real viscc(8,lelt)
42  if (ix*iy*iz*e .ne. 1) then ! use cache
43  avm_vdiff = visc(ix,iy,iz,e)
44  return
45  endif
47  if (icalld.eq.0) then
48  iffilter(ifield) = .false.
49  do i = 1,ldimt1
50  ibuild(i) = 0
51  enddo
52  icalld = 1
53  endif
55  nxyz = lx1*ly1*lz1
56  n = nxyz*nelv
57  c2 = 0.5
59  ! compute residual
60  if (ifield.eq.1) then
61  if (nid.eq.0) write(6,*) 'avm not supported for ifield=1 !'
62  call exitt
63  else
64  if (ibuild(ifield).eq.0) then
65  call hpf_trns_fcn(hpf_filter,ncut)
66  call build_hpf_mat(hpf_op(1,ifield),hpf_filter,.false.)
67  ibuild(ifield) = ibuild(ifield) + 1
68  endif
69  call build_hpf_fld(r,t(1,1,1,1,ifield-1),hpf_op(1,ifield),
70  $ lx1,lz1)
72  psave = param(99)
73  param(99) = 0
74  call copy(tx,r,n)
75  call convop(r,tx)
76  param(99) = psave
78  ! normalize
79  uavg = gl2norm(t(1,1,1,1,ifield-1),n)
80  call cfill(tx,uavg,n)
81  call sub2(tx,t(1,1,1,1,ifield-1),n)
82  uinf = 1.
83  if(uavg.gt.0) uinf = glamax(tx, n)
84  endif
86  ! evaluate arificial viscosity
87  uinf = 1./uinf
88  do ie = 1,nelv
89  h0max = vlmax(deltaf(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
90  do i = 1,nxyz
91  h0 = deltaf(i,1,1,ie)
92  vmax = sqrt(vx(i,1,1,ie)**2 + vy(i,1,1,ie)**2
93  $ + vz(i,1,1,ie)**2)
94  vismax = c2 * h0max * vmax
95  visc(i,1,1,ie) = min(vismax, c1*h0**2 * abs(r(i,ie))*uinf)
96  enddo
97  enddo
99  ! make it piecewise constant
100  do ie = 1,nelv
101  vmax = vlmax(visc(1,1,1,ie),nxyz)
102  call cfill(visc(1,1,1,ie),vmax,nxyz)
103  enddo
105  ! make it P1 continuous
106  if (ifcont) then
107  call dsop (visc,'max',lx1,ly1,lz1)
108  do ie = 1,nelv
109  viscc(1,ie) = visc(1 ,1 ,1 ,ie)
110  viscc(2,ie) = visc(lx1,1 ,1 ,ie)
111  viscc(3,ie) = visc(1 ,ly1,1 ,ie)
112  viscc(4,ie) = visc(lx1,ly1,1 ,ie)
114  viscc(5,ie) = visc(1 ,1 ,lz1,ie)
115  viscc(6,ie) = visc(lx1,1 ,lz1,ie)
116  viscc(7,ie) = visc(1 ,ly1,lz1,ie)
117  viscc(8,ie) = visc(lx1,ly1,lz1,ie)
118  enddo
119  call map_c_to_f_h1_bilin(visc,viscc)
120  endif
122  if (mod(istep,10).eq.0) then
123  vismx = glamax(visc,n)
124  vismn = glamin(visc,n)
125  visav = glsc2(visc,bm1,n)/volvm1
126  if (nio.eq.0) write(6,10) time,vismx,vismn,visav,ifield
127  10 format(1p4e12.4,' AVM',i6)
128  endif
130  avm_vdiff = visc(ix,iy,iz,e)
132  return
133  end
134 c---------------------------------------------------------------
135  real function deltaf(ix,iy,iz,iel)
136 c
137 c compute characteristic sgs length scale
138 c defined as min of GLL nodes within an elements but many
139 c others possible.
140 c
141  include 'SIZE'
142  include 'TOTAL'
144  real dx(lx1,ly1,lz1,lelt)
145  save dx
147  data icalld /0/
148  save icalld
150  nxyz = nx1*ny1*nz1
151  n = nxyz*nelv
153  if (icalld.eq.0 .or. ifmvbd) then
154  dinv = 1./ldim
155  do ie = 1,nelv
156 c volavg = 0
157 c do i = 1,nxyz
158 c volavg = volavg + bm1(i,1,1,ie)
159 c enddo
160 c dd = (volavg**dinv)/(lx1-1)
162  dd = dxmin_e(ie)
164  call cfill(dx(1,1,1,ie),dd,nxyz)
165  enddo
166  icalld = 1
167  endif
169  deltaf = dx(ix,iy,iz,iel)
171  end
real function avm_vdiff(ix, iy, iz, e, c1, ncut)
Definition: avm.f:2
real function deltaf(ix, iy, iz, iel)
Definition: avm.f:136
void exitt()
Definition: comm_mpi.f:604
subroutine dsop(u, op, nx, ny, nz)
Definition: dssum.f:101
function dxmin_e(e)
Definition: genxyz.f:1535
subroutine build_hpf_fld(v, u, f, nx, nz)
Definition: hpf.f:179
subroutine hpf_trns_fcn(diag, kut)
Definition: hpf.f:247
subroutine build_hpf_mat(op_mat, f_filter, ifboyd)
Definition: hpf.f:130
subroutine sub2(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:164
function glsc2(x, y, n)
Definition: math.f:794
real function vlmax(vec, n)
Definition: math.f:396
subroutine copy(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:260
real function glamin(a, n)
Definition: math.f:887
real function glamax(a, n)
Definition: math.f:874
subroutine cfill(a, b, n)
Definition: math.f:244
real function gl2norm(a, n)
Definition: math.f:829
subroutine convop(conv, fi)
Definition: navier1.f:3139
subroutine map_c_to_f_h1_bilin(uf, uc)
Definition: navier8.f:1407